Oct 26, 2008 12:02
Reading old conversations from years gone by, I realize that so little has changed.
More than 3 years now, and it's the same as it ever was.
[X]: what are these plural mistakes you speak of?
Pyroja: Missed [opportunities.] Faltering at critical moments. Making bad choices. Various things.
Pyroja: I dunno.. My theory was.. I was a great guy, because I was myself, as good as I could be... [Then], I.. Changed a lot.
Pyroja: And I started despising that.
Pyroja: And wishing things were different.
Pyroja: Wishing I had made different choices.
Pyroja: Trying to figure out where I messed things up because there was a [path] there I should have taken that was a definite greatness and I didn't, I did something stupid and lost that chance.
Pyroja: And then [I] started thinking about how I was then, how am I now.
Pyroja: [Am I] really ... happy or am I just coasting along, going with the flow because that's what I always do?
Pyroja: And I was thinking.. Y'know, I don't really think I am.
Pyroja: But I can't even come up with that myself and be sure.
Pyroja: I have to keep asking others.
Pyroja: [Bring] the situation to them and see what they say
Pyroja: And I have to act confused and shiz because I can't [bring] myself to go through with what I should.
Same as it ever was.
[I am Rick, and I approve this message.]