Jul 11, 2006 03:57
My second and final night shift here at work. We're into the time of year where it's usually very quiet. Not a lot to talk about. I'm doing okay, I'm feeling pretty relaxed & calm early this AM. Enjoying it while it lasts. Ready to go home.
N called L Saturday night to see if she'd go out like she said she was going to (even though I already told him what I'd heard...) and---to my surprise, she accepted! Twice in a row? She was going to meet us at Galaxy---but then something like 20 minutes later she called back to say she couldn't. I actually wasn't that surprised. N said he heard D in the background saying, "Hurry up & get off the phone." Something you just don't tell L! Although we were a little bummed about her not going out, I have to admit that I was amused at the idea that D was saying stuff to her like that. N was like, "she sure isn't going to put up with that for very long!" Ended up falling asleep on the floor watching a movie while N mudded. I have to admit, even though I didn't want to, I was wondering just a tiny bit if maybe we were going to get "the call." Actually got up around 10 and just went to bed---got some great sleep.
So, today she calls me while N and I are out running errands. Yes, I thought about not answering--do I really want to hear about more stories from "over there"? Luckily she wasn't too bad about that today (or maybe I was partly tuning her out?). Yes, I told myself to avoid even mentioning any questions about "where we're at". (N and I had a plan...she's "thinking about" it?) Unfortunately, I can't seem to stay off this topic (maybe because I'd rather talk about this than about what's going on "over there"...LOL!). Even though I know she's only going to tell me what I want to hear (this was no different today), I still am just too tempted to ask.
But yet, I just have a nagging suspicion something is up. Ever since the fireworks night, she's been a bit different, it's hard to explain. I think she can sense me wanting to pull away, and she's maybe wanting to keep that exit strategy open for some reason. She did ask me if I'd found a Salsa night to go to, and now we're planning on going to Rumors on Thursday. BTW, she claimed D wasn't pissed at her Saturday night.
I really wonder how she would respond if I just disappeared for awhile. Would she care enough to pursue, or would she stop calling? For the time being, I'm keeping myself distracted enough to not be too worried about it.