You are Bob Marley. A passionate and dedicated
artist, and devout follower of the Rastifarian
movement, you consumed copious amounts of
marijuana. You were one of the most moderate
and intelligent of rock stars in your
consumption of drugs, yet your life ended far
sooner than it should have because of cancer in
the brain and liver.
What drugged-out-of-his-mind rock icon are you? brought to you by
Quizilla I did this quiz a while back and I still have the same results. i think it suits me. I'm scared shitless that i will do nothing with my life. i want to be someone. i want to make my family proud. i'm worth more than this. i feel that i'm lost and walking in circles.
"Scared Are You is about being in your mid-20s
and having graduated from college, and you
realize that life is in a complete state of
flux and that you never really know what you
want to do, and you never have this complete
sense of resolve because that's just the way
life is. It can be a really frightening
realization: 'I had such grand ideas for
myself, and how did I end up here? Where am I?
What do I want to do?'" -Kevin
What Better Than Ezra song suits you? brought to you by