May 05, 2004 23:04
There are 4 basic types of pyros: he Generic Pyro, the Pyromaniac, the Arsonist, and the Pyrotechnic. People do not necessarily (and usually don't) go from one type to the next in order.
The Generic Pyro
This person is the person many of you knew all throughout childhood. They played with matches, always stared at fire in an almost creepy manner, and probably singed their eyebrows off once... maybe. These people are alright as long as they don't act like they're more than they are, for two reasons; one, its annoying. Two, they're likely to get mroe than their eyebrows singed off when they do something stupid.
The Pyromaniac
When a Generic Pyro does something stupid, he transcends to the level of Pyromaniac. These are the people whose luck will evenetually run out. They will do something stupid one day, and the wind will shift the other way, putting them in a burn ward and/or ICU. Stay away from these people.
The Pyrotechnic
These people often ace their chemistry classes. They are a significant step above Generic Pyros, though they aren't stupid, like Pyromaniacs. Often, they end up as professional pyrotechnics experts, working with various special effects.
good Pyrotechnics do things that LOOK stupid, but are always carefully planned out, taking care to use safety precautions.
The Arsonist
When you hear about Arsonists on the news, its because they've burned down a building or something. These people are NUTS. They literally have some kind of mental disorder. They are obsessed with fire to an extreme, EXTREME degree.
I like playing with fire, but I do it RIGHT. I study what I'm doing, and I don't just pour gasoline on things and drop a match on them. I have experience with pyrotechnic special effects (courtesy of the Order of the Arrow, BSA). I think people that DO simply pour gasololine etc. are idiots.