Sep 13, 2004 11:57
I forgot the papers again... oh well. i'm sure the rest of you are SOOO interested, so I will try to remember them when I come back from my weekend... but I don't want to be a liar, so I will just say that I will try. :) Anyway, other than that...
today is my second full day on the phones... so far so good. i only had one lady so far call me stupid, the rest are just really excited to have their computer working again or think that it will soon be working again and are REALLY grateful. YAY GRATEFUL PEOPLE! SOOOOO much better than La Quinta (which is, by the way, still the devil with a special placed reserved for the managers...) *Sigh* I'm soo happy. AND i gotta TEAPOT for my birthday - and it WHISTLES!! YAY whistling tea pots! mir is a heifer who fed me a "maaaaaaaaagic" brownie that made me sick. *tear* i've decided it is much happier to just stay sober... or at least from the brownies. I smoke less here too. It's too busy to go out and smoke all the time, and too hot. Thus, this pack of cigarettes has lasted FOREVER! YAY less tar in Amanda's lungs! By the end of the month I want to be down to a pack every two weeks. Then by the end of October a pack a month, then by the end of November I want to only be smoking socially and then not at all by the end of december... that is the plan anyway. we'll see how it goes. wish me luck! :)