Nov 06, 2004 14:29
Why do people think that I should have a liberal point of view because I'm gay! If that were the only issue in the world... then maybe I would... but it isn't. There are more things, more important things, than the rights of gays and women
EDIT: Maybe I should complete a sentence. ;D ...gays and women rights and abortions and whatnot.
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It's a good question, but it has a relatively simple answer. Many people view conservatives/Republicans as enemies of freedom and equality in this country. And since gays and lesbians are still fighting for freedom and equality, it would seem that being gay and siding with the enemy republicans is a little self-defeating. And while it is not the only issue, one might assume that a person would choose to align himself with the people who are proponents of his freedom and equality, in spite of other issues. Maybe it's a bit selfish, but I guess most people put their own freedom and equality in front of other issues which don't affect them as closely.
I do belive that it is selfish. This whole damn country is. Today we are concerned for what the country can do for us, what we can do for ourselves, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. I don't mean this to sound harsh... But is is what I have been telling other people, hence quotes. "I don't care about what I expect from my governement, I care for a greater good. I care for the country as a whole. And I belive that what we have going for us now is for the better." :)
p.s. - I do think that your icon is great! I will openly say that Bush looks like a monkey. But then I point out that Kerry looks like a horse and people that like Kerry get mad at me... but they think it's okay to say bush looks like a monkey? WTF? Stupid people.
Thanks, glad you like it. And yes, John Kerry definitely looks like a horse! But at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter who looks like what, what matters is who can do the best job in the eyes of the people. Apparently the people have decided that man is Bush. In theory, the world will keep on turning, and in another 4 years, we'll decide again.
I have people that just tell me "your wrong, you stupid bastard"... whereas you are all like.... see here... ::your view here::... but I see your view too.
Your my new best friend! Yea!
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