Jun 02, 2005 09:10
Wow, it's June already. How did that happen?
May had some interesting moments. It also had some disappointments.
The biggest disappointment was probably the lasik deal. It was very difficult to show up to my surgery appointment only to be told that it wasn't going to happen. I was really hoping that by now I'd be recovering. Instead, I'm stuck in glasses the whole summer before I find out if I can even do it. Glasses to Arlington, glasses to Ohio, glasses to Poland. I really don't like glasses. My prescription is so strong that glasses skew my vision except when I'm looking at whatever my nose is pointed at. Plus they're heavy and bulky and downright inconvenient. I miss my contacts, but if this is what I have to do in order to potentially be done with glasses and contacts, then I have to stop whining and just do it. But gosh, this has sure made me appreciate my contacts.
I've been thinking a lot about the difference between religion and following Christ. So many Christians are religious. I don't want to be religious. I don't want to be bound by rules and fear of doing it wrong. I also don't want to be characterized by churchy talk that lost people don't understand. I'm to be in the world but not of it. A lot of serious Christians resist being in the world. But why? What I believe is true. It is true even if others don't believe it. It's true even if I'm scoffed at for believing it. It really isn't a threat to me if others believe differently from me.
I have a lot to get done in the next two days...