Today I took Liv to get three of her baby teeth pulled. The oral surgeon had a teeny waiting room in his was obviously designed to be a hall or an entryway and not a waiting room. Liv and I got there, filled out the proper paperwork, and then sat down to peruse magazines. The door opened and a woman walked in and up to the counter.
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It's really easy to be angry with people who are in spiritual bondage when they act so aggressively or ugly towards others, but in reality, we are called to see them from the mercy seat of Christ. If we are truly desiring to see others as Christ sees them, to have His heart and His mind...then we will see this "ugliness" as bondage and be led to intercessory prayer for them. Knowing all the time that unless we keep our eyes on Christ and continue constantly in His word and prayer that we too can be in bondage.
You are right...chains are not a normal fashion accessory in the Kingdom of heaven...God breaks the chains and the shackles so that we can dance! :o)
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