Sep 08, 2004 13:04 we got back across the bridge to the main island and just as we got off of the bridge AJ said something to me. I turned around and just as I did I saw Patrick leaning backward looking past Noah just staring. I think he asked Noah about all of us together because Noah was looking too and saying something.
Then Dale, Dustin and I were a slow pace for AJ because he was talking to someone...and Dustin mentioned how he wasn't very good today while we were playing. The Dale and I were talking about how we could have done better and Dustin pipes in with, "Well I bet Joelle could have done better if she hadn't been looking at our butts so much." I just gave him this look of 'what' and smiled. Dale returned with, "True, but I got my fare share of getting to look at hers I could have done better." Then just as we got to AJ's car, I was about to open the back passenger door and Dale yelled "wait." So I did and he came over and opened the door for me. Throughout the night, any time we went to get in the car it was the same thing...he didn't think it was right that I'd have to open the door. Then we got to AJ's and all the guys got to take a shower, hey not me. Once we got to my house I just got to change my pants, wash the dirt and sand off of my feet and then leave.
Once I got back out of my house I got in the car and we decided to go get dinner. Just as we go on the road, Dale, who was in the back seat, scooted up and said "Wow, you smell really good." I just looked at him a second stunned and flattered at the same time. Then he was like "Oh...that was ok for me to say right?" I was just like, "Oh yea that's fine. I'm flattered, thank you." Then we went to dinner at BW3's and Dustin left after that.
We stopped by Costco to pick up Dale's car and then I got out of AJ's car to ride with Dale to Jill and Jami's. I don't think AJ liked that very much at all. Then we went to Blockbuster and rented "Seven." When we got to Jill and Jami's we went to the back where the bar was. Jill made me this awesome drink...I don't know what it was but it had Tequila. When I sat down next to Dale...he just looked at me and said "that just smells like it has a lot of alcohol in it." It was really good and I offered him a drink but he didn't want one. Then he had Jill make him an "Electric Iguana" and then was like "Ok. I will try yours and then handed me his drink." I liked his better because it had orange juice in it, so once I had drank half of mine I added OJ to it. As we walked into the living room, AJ mentioned something about being ticklish and asked me if I was. I just looked and him and told him extremely. He was like, "I wanna see," and headed toward me. I was like, "I have my drink, don't touch me." Then I remembered Dale getting me at the dock so I looked at AJ and said, "did you see me jump at the paddle boat dock?" He then looked at Dale who now had this evil grin on his face, because at the dock he had come up behind me and grabbed my sides. I jumped and screeched so loud.
Then we all sat down and watched the movie. When it was over we left, and AJ gave me a ride home. I wish it would have been Dale, but oh well. I got home about 2am yesterday morning. Then woke up for class at 7, almost unable to move. All of my muscles are so sore...even my fingers hurt. NEVER will I play volleyball for 5 1/2 hrs. straight. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I gotta get up and try to move around to loosen my muscles. Talk to everyone later.