(no subject)

May 28, 2005 19:45

Current mood: adrenalin rush((stole my bros 4weeler lol)
Current music: mr brightside
Current taste: fries
Current hair: wet
Current clothes: jersey n shorts wit high socks
Current annoyance: matts been textin startin shit wit me..
Current smell: red zone old spice...my body wash has a strong (good) smell
Current thing I ought to be doin: putin my bros 4weeler bak on his truck
Current desktop picture: picture of billy n josh hitch-hikin...n jeff n a bikini top n mini skirt
Current favorite band: the killers
Current book: a child called it
Current cd in stereo: hawthorn heights
Current crush: evry1 nos who it is..but not 4 long..
Current favorite celeb: chris rock...hes F*in hilarious
Current hate: all this drama wit me sayin shit bout ppl...never happened

-:-Do I-:-

Smoke?: nope..never will
Have sex?: 1ce..i think lol
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes
Remember your first love? ya i guess
Read the newspaper?: i did 1ce cuz i was n it
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: i no gay lesbians.. im friends wit val lol (3.17.05)
Believe in miracles? if i need 1
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yeh but its not easy
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: depends
Consider love a mistake?: if that person believes it is
Like the taste of alcohol?: Some of it
Believe in astrology?: thats a big word
Believe in magic?: uhhh no..
Have any pets: Yeah, 2 Dogs
Go to or plan to go to college: Yeh some day
Have any piercings?: ears
Have any tattoos?: Nah
Hate yourself: nope...i love me lol
Have an obsession?: i dont think so..
Have a secret crush?: they no..i think..?
Do they know yet?: Look above lol
Have a best friend?: jennifer E. n val
Wish on stars?: occasionally
Care about looks?: Sometimes

-:- L-O-V-E L-I-F-E -:-

First crush: steno..i think..?
First kiss: i think matt...?
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: yup but now im nutin 2 him... n hes nutin 2 me
Do you believe in love at first sight?: sumtimes
Do you believe in "the one?": Yes
Describe your ideal significant other: funny,nice body,caring,trustworthy,respectful...

-:-Juicy stuff-:-

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: maybe....shhhhh(yes)
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Yeah
Favorite place to be kissed?: umm moth i guess or neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": ppl say theyve seen me doin stuff wit matt but idk
Are you a tease?: Can be
Shy to make the first move?: depends


Hair: short,brown/black
Eyes: brown
Height: tall/..6/1 n a 1/4

-:-Last thing you-:-

Bought: gum/redbull
Ate & Drank: coke wit a burger at wendys
Read: I unno
Watched on tv: oceans 12

-:-EITHER / OR-:-

Club or houseparty: House Party
Beer or cider: Beer
Drinks or shots: Drinks
Cats or dogs: Dogs
Pen or pencil: Pen
Gloves or mittens: Gloves
Food or candy: Food
Cassette or cd: CD
Coke or pepsi: Doesnt Matter
This or that: That

-:-Who do you want to-:-

Get really wasted with: matt
Look like: ppl so i look lyk pam anderson(thats fine wit me i guess)
Be like: jennifer..?
Avoid: ne of my moms students(they wanna rape n mug me...mainland kids these days)

-:-Last person you-:-

Talked to: brother
Talked to on the phone: matt/textin...colin on the phone
Hugged: val
Instant messaged: val
Kissed: matt

-:-Where do you-:-

Eat: wherever i get my food from
Cry: anywhere
Wish you were: New York

-:-Have you ever-:-

Dated one of your best friends? ya
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Yesm
Drank alcohol? Yes
Broken the law? alot
Run away from home? Yesm
Broken a bone? Nope
Played Truth Or Dare?: Yup
Kissed someone you didn't know?: Yeah
Been in a fight?: 1ce..i didnt start it
Come close to dying?: Thats how I feel when i drive wit ne of my brothers

-:- What is -:-

Your bedroom like?: crazy fun
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Cereal
Your favorite restaurant?: houligans

-:- Random Questions -:-

What's on your bedside table?: paper pens matts bakpack pic of matt pic of me n pic of val
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: wip cream lol
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: that movie "Ray"
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: implants(lol) joking
What is your biggest fear?: death,jail
What feature are you most insecure about? My stomach
Do you ever have to beg?: Yeah
Are you a pyromaniac?: yesm
Do you have too many love interests?: just that 1 boy...
Do you know anyone famous?: tons of ppl
Describe your bed: twin(soon 2 b queen) wit tons of pillows n a gianta blacket
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneous!
Do you know how to play poker?: Yeh my bro n his friends tot me
What do you carry with you at all times?: Phone
How do you drive?: u can ask matt on that 1
What do you miss most about being little?: no worryin bout bein in love or hated
Are you happy with your given name?: sure,my last name can b different cuz i always get hit(bonked)
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? a lot
What color is your bedroom?: white on top/burgendee or red or w.e on the bottom/mostly posters tho
What was the last song you were listening to?: "Ohio is for Lovers"
Have you ever been in a play?: Yeah
Best friends?: jennifer E. n val n maybe colin...didnt i juss say that up there sumwhere
Do you talk a lot?: o ya...cant shut me up lol
Do you think you're cute?: o yes ima sexy beast lol idk
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: They make me feel bad for them
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: occasionally..but mostly ya
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: how do gay ppl have sex...is it possible?
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