It's been awhile...

Jun 30, 2008 14:29

With no access from the office I'm not updating (not that many read this).

Work has been a mess... Entirity clauses can be a super pain in the tush. But we're working to a work process and forcing in house counsel to come down on a firm stand.

Last week was really crazy.

Over the weekend JP headed to Aberdeen on Saturday. Arrived just fine.
Olga came over on Sunday afternoon and I made lasagna. turned out really tasty. Very proud of myself.

Saturday after JP left, which was at noon, I went out to Ross and TJ Maxx and found more shorts at great prices. I think I'm set for vacation.

Today I'm home from work early. The storm door is supposed to be installed between 2 and 4 pm. I'm guessing it'll be closer to 4... hopefully the weather will hold.

OH! Friday night I went out with Olga and we saw Get Smart. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Truly a stupid movie but in a fun way. We had a good night out.

The only sad news is my sister's cat Dottie is not doing well. it sounds like she's developed kidney problems. She spent the weekend at the vet getting fluids and is eating and drinking on her own. last I heard she's coming home today. Sib said I'll be very shocked when i see her as she's lost lots of weight.

Oh Home Depot man please show up soon...
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