January 3, 2010

Jan 03, 2010 08:07

Good morning, World. It’s snowy and kinda foggy out this morning. Nice Peaceful calm the kind I like to walk in if I was able to walk very far. Work was alright last night. I never seem to have a lot to add about that part of my life. Built a new Magic deck and organized my cards a bit. Quinn baby has a cold this morning. Wind says that he’s been up and down most of the night. Poor kid. The older two are back to school tomorrow. I’ve been very introspective lately. Not in the bad, “Where did my life go so wrong?” type of introspection either. I’m trying to get to know myself a little better. Nosce Te Ipsum

One of the things I have thought about is what I would tell myself 10 years ago. I think I would tell myself about the things I never thought would happen. Here’s a good list.
1> You’re going to fall in love, a lot.
2> You’re going to have plenty of women who love you, maybe not in the romantic sense, but love you for you just the same
3> You’re going to have plenty of women who do fall in love with you.
4> You’re going to get married and have sons who also love you.
5> You’re going to travel the US and find that even though you hate it now, you’ll always miss being in Wyoming.
6> The friends you have now, with the exception of two, won’t be here when you need them.
7> But that’s alright because you make new friends who will always be there for you.
8> Your life will be scarred by tragedy. It affects the way you view the world, but makes you stronger.
9> You will owe money. Tons of it. But you also find that there’s always a way and it’s never easy.
10> You learn forgiveness, compassion, and a way to become a better man. You don’t stop learning and you don’t give up even though you want to.

I could go on and on with this list and I probably will. It’s nice to know I can look back on what I wanted when I was younger, realize that life isn’t over and that I can still move forward and celebrate what I have now.

It’s a life that I have, never in any of my crazy dreams, ever imagined. And I feel good about this.
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