Nov 01, 2004 14:11

What a dayyy

Not really I'm just generally tired

But it totally brightened my day to see that Sara and Kacy left me comments! I totally never knew Sara had a LJ so ya learn something new every day

I read Kacy's story about Keely in France and I just about peed my pants. Kacy is da bomb.

And I'm so psyched for France in March. So pumped. And I get to see Keely which is freakin awesome.

I miss my SDM girls so much lately. Kacy Keely Sara Nat and Ally (who has seemingly dropped off the face of the earth), miss you.

So last night I didn't go trick or treating (!)

Instead I went to Italian Bistro with Karen Karly and Jenna ha ha haaaa it was yummy

I have rehearsal tonight. gross. The show is Friday, what the duck when did that happen.

I was hanging up pictures in my locker today after lunch and now my locker is so pretty. I hung up pics I just got back from Homecoming - we all look so pretty! The pics came out really well. There's a kickass picture of me and Krista that I hung up and a really good one of me and Maddie. And of course I added to the SDM pictures! I have like 5 pics from room 310 and one of Karen our amazing room counselor/supermodel right after Johnny proposed to her with her ring on. SO cute!!

I really love my friends. So much. Maddie is my like mind-reading sistah (hahah madz) but seoriusly its creepy we always say the same thing at the same time.

And it's weird but I think some of my very closest friends are my 310 girls from SDM. Seriously though. It's weird. Kacy Keely Sara Nat and Ally were like the girls I'd known my entire life but just met. And it was so awesome cuz there was no drama. Like, it was the 6 of us. All best friends. There was no backstabbing shit or "teams" of friends. We were all eachothers best friend. Freakin awesome.

Ohh i miss you guys.

Okay I supposed it's time for school to end. Shweet.

Bye! han
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