Dec 03, 2008 07:40

{OOC Information}
Name: Rain
Email Address: OR
AIM Username: StJohnPyromaniac
Timezone: Central
Number of characters in game: (not including this one): Just this one.

{General Information}
Fandom: X-Men Movie-verse with novelization influences
Given Name: St.John William Allerdyce
Nicknames: John, Johnny, Fire-starter, KFC, SinJin, Singe
Alias/Code Name: Pyro
Gang Affiliation: n/a
Former Occupation: student, Brotherhood member
Current Occupation: n/a
Education: has his GED, and started on some collage level English classes

{Physical Information}
Age/Birthdate: 19, July 25
Height: 5'9
Hair: naturally brown, bleached blond, almost chin length, and slicked back
Eyes: Grey
Identifiable Markings: none
Played By: Aaron Stanford

{Powers and Abilities}
Special Powers:
Pyrokinesis Control over the element of fire. He can not start a flame without aid like anyone else, but give him just a bit of a spark and he can make it grow or shrink as he wishes, or even shape it into animals or people that can move things (though those things still get burned, or at least a bit crispy around the edges).
Thermokinesis (LIMITED): St.John's temperature rises when he uses his powers, up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. He can sense to a limited extent the temperature differences between certain things when he really focuses. Theoretically, he should be able to create fire, and the only thing stopping him is quite probably some kind of mental block, but no one has yet been able to test this theory thoroughly.
Mental Health: A bit touched in the head, if you know what I'm sayin'?
Compulsive-Aggressive: When he feels the he or those he cares about are threatened he will lash out. (Bobby's porch.) Constant exposure to violence has de-sensitized him to it, so if it doesn't directly affect him, he may just ignore it.
Abused(past, father): His father beat submission to older male figures into him, quite literally at times. This instinct is deeply ingrained into him, and in a situation with someone, especially older males, who he believes 'higher' then he is, he will either rebel as much as he can (Xavier), or submit completely (Magneto).
Borderline ADHD:
Skills: John is an aspiring writer, English was always his best subject in school, and he has always received high praise on his poetry and short stories on the rare occasions that he shares them with anyone.
He learned the guitar from his mother when he was young and is trying to convert some of his poems into songs, with mixed results.
He can get a marshmallow to the absolute perfect amount of toasted outside, gooey innards in 3 in minutes or less.
He has some serious skills with fighter video games.
Can do a handstand, a back flip, and a double cartwheel with little to no trouble.
Decent enough cook, provided it's nothing too complicated or time consuming.
Can bluff his way out of a paper bag, and can hustle a game of poker or pool like nobody's business.
Can drink you under the table and keep right on going. He does act rather silly though, and loses his sense of balance quickly. He'll often exaggerate the effect for various reasons.

Extras: his lighter, wrist lighters, and a diary (his mother's last)

History: St.John's parents moved to the States from Australia when he was seven after they lost their jobs to outsourcing. His father, David, turned to alcohol for comfort and then couldn't turn back. When the fighting started it was small, maybe once or twice a month, to once a week, then twice. They built in intensity as well. Not simply heated words, but yelling, screaming, swearing until they were left gasping for air. St.John's maternal grandfather, Martin, who they had been living with in his Kentucky home for three years at that point, suffered a stroke and died, leaving the house to Caroline, and a small savings to help pay for St.John's collage education one day. David pissed the savings down the drain on alcohol, leading to more vicious arguments between he and Caroline. She divorced him later that year, receiving primary custody of St.John, with David managing to get visitation every other weekend and holiday, provided he attended AA meetings. He went to the meetings, but continued his drinking in secret.

He began taking his anger out on his only available outlet, St.John, though not physically at this point. He would say things to whittle away at the boy's self confidence. ("It's OK Johnny. I know that it sucks that you lost to that other boy, but well, what more could be expected of you? You're still the highest ranking loser.") St.John took his father's treatment of him to heart, and never let on about any of it to his mother. ("Johnny-boy, I'm so proud of you! You won!" "It's just second place Mom." "That's still a winning place! And you'll always be my number one." "Well you have to think that, you're my Mom.")

Caroline was diagnosed with liver cancer when St.John was twelve, a month after his mutation was discovered. She took him to mutant support meetings and he would go with her to cancer support ones, each giving the other backing through their trials. She remained in good spirits despite no treatment that they tried working. She passed away January 27, 2001 in her sleep while St.John was at school. Her will stated for the house was sold and the money put in a trust fund for St.John. All of the rest of the assets had gone towards hospital bills, and St.John was left with only his mother's journals. She began writing them when she was seven and had continued until the day that she died.

David managed to get his hands on the trust fund and moved them to New York, to get away from Caroline's memory and everything that it carried back in Winchester, Kentucky. His anger had festered and grown to hatred for his son, his dead ex-wife, the world. St.John become his symbol for all that was wrong in David's life. And even if there was nothing else that he felt that he could control, there was always St.John. He'd control his own flesh and blood even if submission had to beaten into him.

St.John ran away a week after his thirteenth birthday. He lived on he streets as best as he could, stealing, hustling poker and pool, anything that could help him get what he needed to survive. After over a year on the streets he was found by Xavier and given a home at the Institute. Xavier tried to present himself as a father figure, but that only served to help push St.John away. In the end the promises of free food, shelter, and clothing proved too tempting a lure for him to ignore, and he stayed, though he remained wary of Xavier, and rebellious towards the rules imposed upon him.

He ended up sharing a room with Bobby Drake. He tried his best to hate the other boy, which proved to be impossible task. They ended up being best friends, not giving a damn about anyone else's option, be it approval or dissent. Bobby began boosting St.John's confidence once more by forming a friendly rivalry with him. After all, if someone who had everything thought St.John equal enough to be competition, who was he to disagree? The confident air that he had became more then a front for self preservation. Their friendly rivalry reached a head when a girl who called herself Rogue came to the school. St.John started things, Bobby ended them, but somehow things had changed. Bobby stayed with Rogue, and where before it had been just Bobby and John, it was now Bobby, Marie, and sometimes Johnny. He liked her at first, but the more Bobby included her, the more he felt like he was being pushed out. Maybe he really wasn't so great after all.

Striker's attack pushed things that were slowly starting to simmer to a full boil. The police on Bobby's porch, shooting Logan triggered St.John's fight instinct. ('What if they shoot me, or Bobby next, or Marie, just for being mutants?') His attacking them without regret pushed him and Bobby that much further apart. Magneto saw someone who could be useful and strong sitting vulnerable and alone and knew exactly the words to say to get his attention. ("You are a god among insects.") Being told to stay and wait in the jet while his friends and family were in god only knew what kind of danger didn't sit well with him either. He left to go and lend what help he could saying, "I'm sick of this kid's table shit, I'm going in there [Alkali]." He managed to get lost in the woods, looking for the dam entrance, and stayed lost until the 'Headache Felt Around the World' knocked him to the ground. When it passed he tried to get back to the jet to make sure that Bobby and Marie were OK by retracing his steps in the snow but had been wandering about so much the tracks crossed over themselves everywhere, becoming a uselessly jumbled mess. He found Magneto and Mystique by pure dumb luck.

When there was no word of anyone at the school looking for him, he became extremely angry that they could believe that he would just leave them all like that. Didn't they know him at all? Didn't they give even the slightest hint of a damn? Fuckers.

Magneto was a kind and supportive father figure all the while, quickly manipulating St.John with his anger in ways that would have taken months, maybe over a year, if he was guided by calm rational thinking and had his friends at his side. They became a new sort of family unit, St.John, Mystique, and Magneto.

The cure was a vile and horrible thing in St.John's eyes. Whatever possible benefits it might grant to some became secondary to all the things that it represented, starting with the idea of mutants as a disease. When Mystique was abandoned by Magneto the first seeds of doubt began growing. They were abandoning one of their greatest assets because she had saved Magneto? She should have been praised and given every comfort and bit of aid that they could offer a hero, not left behind naked and alone in the middle of butt-fucking nowhere. What kind of ass backwards logic was that? After the failure on Alcatraz he awoke in the X-Men's medical facilities, and learned that Bobby had gone back for him, saving him from the Phoenix's wrath.

Personality: St.John is strong, bright, and loud with his opinions and feelings, if rather cynical, pessimistic, and jaded. But something deep inside him is cracked, broken. He resembles a puppy that has been beaten over and over. If you get too close, he will bite you. If you get close again, he will bite you. If you can attempt it again after that, you'll usually earn his trust, and he will be loyal to you until death unless you betray him. He loves starting minor trouble and pushing people to their limits. He also loves writing and music deeply. He adores cars, video games, and other things that are shiny, can kill you, or both. He
Likes:Cold weather, snow, chocolate, swimming, music of all genres, chocolate, writing, English, CHOCOLATE, fire, B Horror movies, Zippo lighters, swearing, porn, and did I mention chocolate?
Dislikes: MATH, bigotry, most humans (hypocritical much?), carrots, those who would hurt the people that he cares about

{Other Info:}
Random facts:

{Optional Information}

Goals/Dreams: To become either a famous writer or, failing at that, an English teacher.
Talents or Hobbies: Writing. Playing guitar. Video games.
Style of Dress: Whatever will keep him un-naked, as people tend to disapprove. He has a preference for t-shirts with designs on them, odd, or offensive sayings, and most of what he owns is so hand-me-down that his wardrobe has naturally acquired an overall distressed look. (torn, dingy, battered, worn out, and/or stitched back together haphazardly.)
Family: Caroline Allerdyce (mother, deceased), David Allerdyce (father, disowned), Martin Bryer (maternal grandfather, deceased), Magneto (adopted father figure), Mystique (adopted mother/big sister figure)
Friends: Bobby, Rogue, Jubilee, well fuck, they're all kinda on the wrong side now. =(
Enemies: David Allerdyce, Iceman?
Religion: more or less Atheist, simply out of spite towards any deity that would allow such a world.
Astrological Sign: Leo
Sexual Orientation: Straight up bisexual. (yes, I am aware of how lame that joke is.) He has no real preference, though he usually goes after girls, because it leads to less complications.
Relationship Status: Single, flirty, and not really looking for anything
Past Relationships: An almost, kinda-sorta HUGE crush on Bobby, though he will never, EVER admit to it anywhere but in his journals. And maybe a bit of something for Jubilee. Beyond that, nothing.

Sample RP

St.John woke up in a cramped, brightly lit room, devoid of any real comfort or warmth. It was nothing but cold steel, and hard blue light that felt like getting punched in the eye if you looked at them directly for too long. He sat up slowly twisting his head to make his neck crack with a satisfying *pop*. As he looked around, dawning comprehension sank in. The lights, the extreme 'high tech' decorating... He was in the lower levels of Xavier's. 'How in the hell...?'

He sat stunned for a moment looking around the surroundings, trying to recall how he had come to be here of all places. All that came to him was a vague memory of cold, and strength that was simultaneously familiar, comforting, and repulsing. Not in an 'oh god, that's sickening', kinda way, more like a magnet pushing away it's twin.

As he sat up he ran inventory on his belongings. He still had his lighter (minus all fuel), his wrist lighters (the same), and his mother's diary that never left his pocket. He gave a sigh of relief. Even if they wouldn't work, they had sentimental value, and being able to just click them made him feel a bit better about this whole situation. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. When he re-opened them, the room had changed.

The hard, efficient lines of the sub-levels had been replaced by plain home sort of environment. He rubbed his eyes again, not yet believing his eyes. When it remained still upon reopening them he started investigating. He found a small PDA thingy, that was blinking the new message symbol at him. Hesitantly he opened it and read the page.

Sample Journal Entry

[this will probably end up being his first official journal entry.]

This place sucks almost as hard as your mother sucks. Fucking hell, they just snatch you up plop you in the middle of this shit hole, and then expect you to play nice? God damn motherfucking BASTARDS. I wanna burn this whole place to the ground, and everyone with it. If it means getting out of here, I'll burn myself.
Anyone know where I can find a half-way decent job?


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