Your laughter can only remain hidden for so long. You're the pet.
There are some really gorgeous ones that I've only seen in pictures and a small few that I've seen for real. I can start compiling a list of what from where if you want.
*facepalm* You and your ice cream. Sometimes I wonder if I should be jealous.
I'm programing a library simulation in the Danger Room that the Doctor and Cyborg are helping me build, by the way.
Oh, you want me to bring you home a burger and some fries from work?
Really? Any library in particular or just a general kind?
Any food would be much appreciated. There's nothing but canned vegetables and tv dinners here. We seriously need to get some groceries soon.
I was thinking just general, unless there's a particular one that you want.
We really do. I ran out of ice cream last night, and that's just tragic.
There are some really gorgeous ones that I've only seen in pictures and a small few that I've seen for real. I can start compiling a list of what from where if you want.
*facepalm* You and your ice cream. Sometimes I wonder if I should be jealous.
That'd be great. Or you can come with me when I work on it and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.
Come on, baby, you've known about me and ice cream for a long time now. ;)
I can do both! 8D
As long as you share, I'll live.
Both works for me!
Okay, I'll share. But only because it's you.
That's right you will. *grin*
And you're lucky I love you, or you'd never get ice cream.
Does that mean that I can get lucky? And sure I would, I'd just have to be sneaky like a ninja.
You can always get lucky. And pfft. I'd know. I always know when it comes to ice cream.
You might know, but it doesn't mean you'd be able to stop me.
It's not the stopping that's deal-breaking for the ninja, it's the knowing.
Lesser ninjas perhaps.
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