Ten things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now (no names):
1. Fuck you, you fucking fuck. I hope you die alone and miserable in a dumpster.
2. I love you.
3. I miss you, everyday. I hope that you are at peace and happy.
4. Dance with me in the rain.
5. I never hated you. I hope you don't hate me.
6. Go sit on a dick and spin you shithead.
7. I will not mourn you when you are gone.
8. You were pompous and full of yourself at times, and I don't think that you ever liked me, but I still cried when I heard that you had died.
9. You deserved a better lot in life. I'm sorry there's nothing that I can do to help.
10. You deserve every hardship that befalls you.
Nine things about yourself:
1. My powers are awesome and shiny. I love them.
2. I don't always know how I feel about things until I write them down.
3. I'm terrified of becoming my father.
4. I'm also terrified of the fear becoming a self fulfilling prophesy.
5. I'm a virgin.
6. I like vegetables.
7. I can't find my way out of a wet paper bag with my lighter and a map.
8. I've done some stupid, stupid shit.
9. I will probably do much, much more.
Eight ways to win your heart:
1. Listen to me.
2. Read my stories and poems and honestly like or relate to them.
3. Cook for me.
4. Talk through the whole movie with me.
5. Have no shame about yourself.
6. Fight with me.
7. Dance with me.
8. Sing with me. (Bonus points if you are bad at it.)
Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Sex.
2. Bobby.
3. Rave.
4. My mother.
5. Books.
6. Music.
7. River.
Six things you wish you could do:
1. It.
2. Cook more then three recipes.
3. Get published.
4. Say some of the things from the list of ten to who should hear it.
5. Make things at least a little bit better.
6. Write a decent song.
Five turn-ons:
1. Flirty shyness.
2. Intelligence.
3. That moment when I formerly shy person gains total confidence.
4. Dancing.
5. A sense of adventure.
Four turn-offs:
1. Father-figures.
2. Disloyalty.
3. Cruelty. (Especially towards women.)
4. OCD level cleanliness.
Three careers you would consider:
1. Writer
2. English teacher
3. House-wife :P
Two things you want before you die:
1. To get published.
2. To help in some small way.
One confession:
Here is feeling more like a home then where I'm from ever did. I kinda don't want to go back... And that scares the hell out of me.
Additionally: Did any of you guys send me a teddy bear in the mail? I just got the package while I was typing this.