Damn it, damn it, fuck, damn it, fuck, fuck, damn it

Dec 05, 2008 10:54

This place sucks almost as hard as your mother sucks. Fucking hell, they just snatch you up plop you in the middle of this shit hole, and then expect you to play nice? God damn motherfucking BASTARDS. Fuck them with the high horse they rode in on. I wanna burn this whole place to the ground, and everyone with it. If it means getting out of here, I'll burn myself. God damn, shit eating, mother fucking bastards. I hope they roast on a spit in Hell while being ass raped by demons.


Anyone know where I can find a half-way decent job, and some lighter fluid?

EDIT: OK, maybe this place is tolerable for the time being. I'll hold off on the burning for the time being.
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