- They are fucking Hypocrites.
- They are fucking unfair.
- They are fucking
Today was so fucking gay...my fucking dad Bob said I was too fucking young to hang out with my friends Josh Shope and Justin...But yet my sister can and she is 1000000 inf. times worse than I am...fuck him. If he thought raising my sister was hell...then raising me...while acting the way he is now...then raising me will be 1000000 inf. worse than raising my sister...how do you think he will like that? Keep it up dad and you will think you seen hell...I will be your worse fucking nightmare! Lol. Sorry guys...I am pissed the fuck off now...but I still ♥ you guys...well...good fucking night.
- They fucking boss you around like you are some kind of animal.
- They act like their children are fucking puppets.
- They are fucking over protecive.
- They do not fucking understand.
- They expect too much fucking shit out of you.
- They act like you are a fucking baby.
- They use things you like as a fucking bone to a dog, until they get what they want out of you.
- They favor other fucking siblings over you.
- They want you to be perfect, even though they fucking are not.
- They are fucking slackers.
- They are fucking cheap skates.
- They are fucking dumbasses.
- They fucking mock the way you dress.
- They stir up shit so they can fucking yell at you...for nothing.
- They fucking ground you for nothing. (I am no longer fucking grounded...but I was grounded for fucking 3 months...for nothing!)
- They act like they fucking know you.
- They act like you are just like them when they were your fucking age. (What if I am not a Loser like them?!? )
- Overall...Parents need to burn in hell if they do not know how to raise their fucking children.
---------------- The Fucking End ---------------------
Well...I hope your day was better than mine fucking was...♥
Nance ♥