Causing trouble in her life

Oct 19, 2001 01:31

It pains me to see anyone (especially anyone close to me) hurt or upset. In my semi-limited experience, I have found that all pain will be quelled, and it is worth it to work toward a solution, better to learn than to use up your energy being upset.

There are things you can change, and things you can't.

Trust me, these are all necessary stops along the ride of life -- it's a great big learning curve. I deal differently with things because of my experiences. We all learn to deal differently depending on our situations.

One more thing: If I tell you anything, it's that everything's all right. It's always all right. If you don't hurt others and live a good life, then everything is fine.

And if someone is hurting you, address the problem, and make your choices, keeping in mind that you're #1. No matter what, do what is best for you. It's great and noble to do things for others, but do the right thing for yourself first.

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