What the hell? An update?

Apr 19, 2007 23:31

Yea, that's right, a real update.  It's been a while.  I'm going back to what I used to use this thing for.  Go home and cry to your mother, you ugly hippy.

Anyways, I wonder if anyone still checks this on occasion?  Actually I'm sure there are still a few loser stalker types that haven't grown up, who still live through livejournal, and internet gossip, and still come around.  So go you!  You're living the dream!  You're 13 again.  Junior high misses you.  Going off to college doesn't mean you have to grow up.  You're living proof!


This article kills me.  It was clearly said that the error that was printed on the tag was because of faulty software.  Now, I'm not sure if it's some secret inside Chinese joke referring all things "dark brown" to translate to "nigger" but accidents do happen.  So I think the inside joke thing isn't really the case here.  Though asians are pretty crafty...

What I wonder is, did the kid really find the tag on this?  Or is the mother just full of total shit?  I mean, yes, it's possible that the kid found the tag, read it, and then repeated what it said.  However, I'm willing to bet the kid has heard the word before.  So the mother shouldn't try and play off that she always earmuffed her kids to bad words.  Kids repeat bad words when they hear them, and are told not to say them.  I don't ever remember a time I read a word, and was like holy shit, that must be a bad word, time to go say it and ask what it means!!!!  Maybe that could be because my couch didn't say "nigger brown" on the tag, even though it was dark brown.  I think my parents should get their money back for letting me down all these years later.

So naturally the woman wants to sue.  No, lets not get over it, and move along, and be a strong person, or adult.  Nope, lets bitch and get free money!

This quote kills me.
“Something more has to be done. We don’t just need a personal apology, but someone needs to own up to where these labels were made, and someone needs to apologize to all people of color,” Moore said. “I had friends over from St. Lucia yesterday and they wouldn’t sit on the couch.”
What, the second your friends walked in the door, you said, "hey, don't sit on that couch, it hates black people, and called us niggers!"?  And then your friends being the total grown ups they are, decided, fuck that racist couch, I'm not gonna give it the satisfaction of me sitting in it.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?  It's a fucking label on a couch.  When do people stop?  When does all this silly race shit come to an end?  If I bought a couch that said "White trash" trying to mean "off white" I would laugh about it.  I'd post pictures of the tag on the internet for others to laugh at.  I wouldn't tell my friends not to sit in it because its tag says a bad word on it.  I'd probably like the couch more for the shitty engrish Chinese translation that was on the tag.  I wouldn't want to sue, because I'm a pussy and my feelings got hurt.  If something as small as this was offensive, and put such a strain on your family, then you really need to stop living such a fucking fairy tale life of bullshit.  Shit happens.  People say things.  Mistakes get made.  Offensive things are done and said, whether on purpose, or accident.  It doesn't mean bitch and moan and say how hurt you are by it.  Isn't it time that people start acting strong, and not being affected by silly nonsense like this?  I would think that once you are over the age of 18, or hell, even 21, you have heard all the bad things that could possibly ever be said to you in your life.  And with that, be able to take it, and move on and not let it bother you.  If you can't, then fuck you and the sheltered fake world you live in.

As for me?  I'm from space, so I get to make fun of idiots.
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