Dec 11, 2007 21:33

Ho snap! Go us! Another one!

[Who:] Sokka ( boomerangboy ) & Zuko ( pyro_zuko )
[Where:] Wherever the hell they are IDK
[When:] Other night after Sokka's second date with Mina. (Bad boy D:)
[What:] Arguing, Zuko pretty much going batshit insane, flailing, looots of shit. It's actually rly funny XD
[Why:] Someone should give Zuko and Simple Plan CD for Christmas. In other words LOL ANGST. And we're cruel. And Sokka was baaaaad.
[Rated:] PG-13 for language.

Zuko: *crouched off tot he side, by a tree, looking very huffy* *poking a dead squirrel with a stick* ....
Sokka:*returning to camp very late, still wet from the snow* ... *eyes Zuko from afar, afraid of approaching*
Zuko: *angstily poking at the squirrel* *flies buzz around* *singes said flies in midair*
Sokka:*edges away to change into dry clothes, not even sure what he's supposed to say*
Zuko: *quietly*....I made dinner for you. *a pause* It's not the squirrel though.
Sokka:*half way through getting changed, looks over at Zuko* Thanks...
Zuko: *sighs, then comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist* ...Have fun?
Sokka:*feels ridiculously guilty* Yeah...I guess so. *trying not to say much*
Zuko: *nibbles on his ear, smirking* That all?
Sokka:*bites lip, stares down at the ground* We had a snowball fight.
Zuko: Fun... *kisses and nips down his neck* Must be cold then... *settles palms on his stomach and they slowly heat up*
Sokka:Y-yeah. *not sure whether to lean back or pull away, opts to do nothing*
Zuko: *idly traces warm patterns along his stomach and chest* Mm...What to do with you, baby...
Sokka:*is going crazy with guilt, about ready to EXPLODE* I'm kinda tired, really. Just wanted to get to bed. *mumble*
Zuko: *nuzzles against his cheek* So you spent all your energy on that woman you don't have any left for me? And I was planning something special... *bites his neck*
Sokka:I really just want to get some sleep. *mutters, assumes he will feel better in the morning*
Zuko: The sun barely just set...My bending levels haven't even dropped yet...You'll be up before dawn if you sleep now, idiot. *smirk* I think I know how to keep you up. *smacks his ass, a soft sizzle is heard*
Sokka:*unphased by this where he would usually very spazzy* I really just want to go to sleep. *can't manage to look Zuko in the eye*
Zuko: *roughly tugs his hair out of the band, most likely ripping hairs out in the process* You want it this way... *pulls him by the head to kiss him hard* Just had to have it.... *kisses again, even harder, with added tongue*
Sokka:*feels absolutely awful, pushes Zuko back gently* Please. *frowns and looks away*
Zuko: This is what you fell for. * grabs his hips and pulls him so they're flush against each other* I show no mercy on traitors. *bites along his neck and collar*
Sokka:Zuko, stop it! *feels like he's about to die of guilt, and Zuko is only making things worse*
Zuko: I know that look. You're hiding something. *murmurs in his ear* Care to tell me what it is, baby? I promise I won't get mad.
Sokka:.................................. *nice long pause, because he knows that is not going to be the case at all*
Zuko: Come on...It's not so bad....*makes that low purring-like sound he knows he likes* I don't smell or taste cunt on you so it can't be that bad....
Sokka:*wonders if maybe the snow has something to do with why Zuko can't "Smell or taste" Mina or if Zuko's just lost it* Hehe. Funny thing about that.
Zuko: *whispers lewdly* Am I going to have to start getting you plastic? Did she soil what's mine? *hand lowers to ghost over his crotch* Degenerate filth...
Sokka:Don't get mad at Mina. *seeing as it's all his fault anyway* She...er...That is to say...
Zuko: *chuckles low in his ear* Quite the slut now aren't you? *chews on his earlobe*
Sokka:*not really sure what to say, sort of disturbed by how Zuko's taking this* Uh....well...aldkjfaljk I don't know.
Zuko: What? Were you expecting me to yell at you? Scream and melt your pretty little face off? Nah, I'm too nice for that...*kisses his cheek a little too sweetly* &meanwhile subtly handcuff's Sokka's wrist to his own* Oh, would you look at that....Looks like you won't be going anywhere or a while there, baby....
Sokka:..................................................................................... .................................................................... FAJSLDFKJALDCMALSKFJALDKFJA WHAT THE HELL ZUKO.
Zuko: You're going to have to earn my trust back. *pouts*
Zuko: Yes. *still pouting* *big sad adorable puppy eyes*
Sokka:THIS IS A LITTLE EXTREME DON'T YOU THINK!? *it probably isn't really, given that he's been a big fat cheater pants*
Zuko: Tch. *sigh* *eyeroll* *slides a hand down the front of his pants*
Sokka:LAKJFALSKFJLSKFDJ THIS IS HARDLY THE TIME. *still flailing over the fact that he's handcuffed to Zuko*
Zuko: Told you I had plans... *nips at his neck* *hand is not removed*
Sokka:ZUKO ALSDKJFLASKJFLKJ GET THIS OFF OF ME. *would otherwise be enjoying this, is in panic mode now however*
Zuko: *eyeroll* Calm down, it won't be for forever.... *heats hand slightly*
Sokka:Zuko...I'm sorry... *is very flailtastic, doesn't know what to do*
Zuko: I love you too. *kisses him softly*
Sokka:*sighs and pulls back* I...Zuko... *feeling very confused now, internal D: ing*
Zuko: *finally slides the hand out of his pants to clench onto his shirt* ...Mine . *whimpers*
Sokka:*puts his free arm around Zuko lightly* I don't know what to say. *mumblesigh*
Zuko: *laces his fingers in the cuffed hand and brings it up to kiss the back of it* How about "I love you"?
Sokka:Yeah... *should really say 'I love you' and help make things all better but...doesn't* ... so. Ah. *glances skyward, wonders what Mina's doing* ... *dies inside of more guilt*
Zuko: *slaps him hard across the face* *looks extremely upset and looks away mumbling something along the lines of "Not again..."*
Sokka:*completely deserved that, stares down at his feet and has no damn idea what to say* I...you...we...
Zuko: Just tell me....*very low, very quiet* Just tell me...and I'll take it off, pack up my shit, and go home....Suddenly...Prison doesn't seem like a bad idea.
Sokka:Zuko... *curls arms carefully around him* I'm sorry. *whispering* I do love you, I do... *more confused than ever, refrains from even mentioning Mina*
Zuko: *looks dubious* ....You still want to...you know...marry me?
Sokka:*licks lips, isn't even sure of his answer anymore* Yeah.
Zuko: ...I'll hold you to it. *smirks and gets an extremely sinister idea* *whispers in his ear* Fuck it up and I'm gone...and I'm taking the Avatar with me.
Sokka:...............................*is now being blackmailed into getting married, severely disturbed by this*
Zuko: *snorts* I'm only kidding, sheesh. *except lol not really; when he grew a pair of balls he also got a brain 8D *
Sokka:*wouldn't really call that getting a brain, more like going batshit insane* Hehe...yeah. Okay. *starting to wonder what he's gotten himself into*
Zuko: *kisses down his neck* I love you so much...Why must you drive me crazy?
Sokka:*wonders just how literal that "crazy" is* I'm...I'm sorry.
Zuko: *purrs and holds him close* If I gave you a really good quickie would you calm down some?
Sokka:*about ready to die at this point, from a mixture of god knows what* Zuko...can we just... *sigh*
Zuko: Say "You are my master, the embodiment of everything righteous in the universe, I love you, and I'm sorry for being such an asshole" , and mean it, and I might let you off the hook.
Sokka:*thinks to self: "he's gone off the fucking deep end"* You... you are my master the embodiment of everything righteous in the universe. I love you, and I'm sorry for being such an asshole. *doesn't want to die*
Zuko: *kisses him slowly and lightly* I've sacrificed a lot for you, love, okay?
Sokka:*nods slowly* Mmmhmm. Zuko... *kisses his cheek gently* Can we get some sleep...please?
Zuko: What am I supposed to do while you sleep? *pout* I'm a night person...
Sokka:I'm really tired, Zuko. *small smile* You can lay with me, you don't have to sleep...
Zuko: *pounces on him and pins him to the ground* Alright.
Sokka:*laughs softly, carefully puts his arms around Zuko* This'll work...
Zuko: *rolls to the side of him and runs his fingers through Sokka's hair* ...You're prettier than I am. *smirk*
Sokka:Hehe... *feels a bit better, though not by much* Ah...thanks.
Zuko: *kisses on the cheek and nuzzles, doing that frighteningly cute purring-type thing* You sleep well and I'll just stare at you because I can't go anywhere.
Sokka:...................... *yeah, as if he'll be able to sleep thinking about that* *rolls over and closes his eyes, can at least try*
Zuko: *stares for about five minutes before getting bored and looking around* *finds a flower and puts it in Sokka’s hair* *then another* *and another* *hydrangeas too, not those gross one-colored dandelion whatsits, good flowers*
Sokka:*tries to ignore this and just get some sleep, really wishes he wasn't handcuffed right about now*
Zuko: *stares very suspiciously at a snail that inches closer and closer* *and then it starts sliming up on Sokka* *OH SHIT face* *shoots it and it goes flying* ... *very pleased* It's okay, I saved you.
Sokka:........................ *wonders if there's any way for him to get out of the handcuffs*
Zuko: *really long five minute pause* ................I gotta take a leak.
Sokka:....... *opens an eye* Unhandcuff me then.
Zuko: But that defies the tern of "punishment". *frown* Unless you can think of something better....
Sokka:*sighs loudly, deserves this but that doesn't mean he likes it* Fine, fine. *grumbles and sits up*
Zuko: ..... *does his business* *less than three shakes thnx*
Sokka:*looks very unhappy, but this is as it should be* Anything else, while we're up?
Zuko: Hm...It's getting cold... *shoves a bunch of wood together and starts a small fire* ...Better. *kisses him softly* Don't give me that face.
Sokka:*scratches the back of his head* Thanks. *referring to the fire* And...uh... *not sure what to say, shrugs*
Zuko: *wraps his arms around Sokka's waist and holds him against himself* Not as tired s you thought you were?
Sokka:Zuko... *millionth sigh for the night* I want to go to bed.
Zuko: *cue the big pouty lip, the flushed face, and the sad puppy eyes*
Sokka:*facepalm* Please. Sleep. Please.
Zuko: Tomorrow we do something? *sadface*
Sokka:*sees his chance to make things better* Yeah. Whatever you want, Zuko. *smiles*
Zuko: Can we go on a date? *blinkblink*
Sokka:Of course. *really wants to go to bed, has way too much on his mind* Wherever you want.
Zuko: *pushes him down and snuggles up next to him* I love you.
Sokka:*holds Zuko, kisses his forehead* I know. *whispers*
Zuko: *rests head on his chest and clutches onto his shirt* Sleep well.


lol handcuffs, zuko, gropage, fight, insanity, log, sokka, minako, angst

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