Oct 01, 2007 20:25

All of this spawned because it's been decided you CAN NOT leave Nako and me up to our devices. also, I think AIM should ban us both from chatting with Trisha and Kate because GOD DAMN IT. Shit keeps happening. ;_____; Luv you Kate ♥

[Who:] Ginny and Zuko as well as An Interesting Wall
[Where:] The Room of Emo in Ginny's flat
[When:] Tonight, not long after his semi-emo post.
[What:] After his fight with Mai, Ginny decided to let him stay at her old flat until things were able to blow over. When she brings the turtleducks for a visit, however, shit happens. There is angst. And emo. And more emo. And he's developed a fascination with that one wall in there. And the ceiling. You'll just have to see what this Drama Spurt is.
[Why:] We were left alone for 10 seconds. Do the math.
[Rating:] G....PG?

Ginny Apparated into her London flat, carefully balancing a box in which she carried the five turtleducks. She set it on the ground in the entryway and left the ducks to their own devices, walking down the hall toward the kitchen. "Zuko?" she called.

Silence. It was almost as if he hadn't heard her. After a minute, Zuko finally realized that he was, in fact, being addressed and called back to her, "In here!"

She blinked, startled. He was in her room? She went into the bedroom and discovered him lying on her (perfectly made) bed, staring moodily at the ceiling. "Hey. What're you doing in here?"

"Ceiling is interesting," he said, lazily pointing up at it.

"...Sure. Hey." She sat on the edge of the bed and poked at him. "You were really upset the other night. Are you doing any better?"

"Eh..." He didn't even bother looking at her, not sure how to respond. "My girlfriend doesn't care about me, my father is now watching my every move, someone I love like a sister could be about to die... I'm not sure what to feel."

Ginny's face fell. "Oh, Zuko. I'm sorry. Can I help at all?" She tucked her legs up and scooted over to sit closer to him.

He opened his mouth, about to say something, but closed it quickly, sighing. "...No. I don't think so."

She frowned. "You were going to say something else."

"Nothing," He rolled over onto his side, facing away from her. "It's nothing."

She poked at him again. "Hey. Don't shut me out, Zuko."

"...There's a reason I chose to come here," Zuko said finally, his voice quiet, as if unsure he really wanted to tell her. "Rather than go to Katara...Or Sensei..."

"...What's that?" she asked after a moment, knowing asking was probably a bad idea but as usual unable to resist.

"...I can be alone," he sighed, closing his eyes. "It's invisible to my dad, and anyone he'd send out, and I don't have to worry about random people just coming in out of nowhere..." He remembered the night, not so long ago, when a ticked off Orochimaru crashed into his apartment, trying to murder him.

"Ah. I can understand that." She chewed on her lip for a moment. "D'you want me to go? Promise I won't be offended if you do."

"....You came all this way... You don't have to...." He still didn't turn to look at her.

"I Apparated, Zuko, it's not hard. I can leave if you want me to."

Finally, he flopped over onto his other side and stared at her through half-lidded eyes, frowning. "...I don't."

She smiled at him. "Well, I'll stay for a bit, then."

"By the way...." Zuko pointed to nowhere in particular. "I knocked over your jewelry box when I was looking for my phone....I put everything back though...."

Her eyes flicked over the the jewelry box on the dresser. "Oh. Thanks."

"...I'm sorry..." He glanced away. "I can be a bit clumsy when I'm not in the right mind." There was something he obviously wasn't telling her.

She cocked her head, regarding him for a minute. "...What's wrong?" she finally asked.

Biting his lip, he reached into his back pocket and pulled something out, then held his hand out to her and opened it so she could see. "...You kept it."

She flushed. His ring. She had kept it. She hadn't realised it had been left here in London, though; she'd thought she'd taken it to Tokyo with her. "Yeah, I did," she said softly after a moment, not quite meeting his eyes.


There was a long silence as Ginny tried to decide how to explain it to him. "To remind myself," she said finally.

Not saying anything, he sat up and slid off the bed, then stepped quietly over to the doorframe and leaned against it, looking out. "You're happy now...right?"

"I am," she replied instantly.

"I'm glad," he nodded, choosing not to look at her.

"Zuko..." She slid off the bed and crossed the room to stand next to him. "What's this really about?"

"...It's complicated." Naturally, he used his well-known phrase for trying to get out of things he didn't feel like going into detail about.

"Right, because there's been a time when I accepted that as an answer," she said dryly.

"It's a perfectly reasonable response," he folded his arms across his chest.

"Zuko, you're doing that thing where you block me out again," she said.

"I don't want to hurt you more than I already have," he stated flatly.

Her immediate urge was to tell him that she didn't think that was possible, but she swallowed the words before she could speak them. Instead she stepped closer and placed a hand lightly on his arm. "Something is obviously bothering you. I wish you'd talk to me."

He turned his head slightly to look at her. "I wish you meant nothing to me."

Well, that stung. She dropped her arm and just stared at him, unsure how to respond.

"So I wouldn't feel this urge to protect you. The moment my father finds out what sort of connection we have... I don't even want to think about what he'll try to do... And I can't even talk about you around her because she gets mad when I do.... It's like she senses something... But I can't forget how I felt... Or get rid of how I feel..." He kept trailing off until finally he sighed and closed his mouth.

Her brow creased slightly in confusion. They'd had this conversation before; it was a circular argument, that he worried about her even though she could take care of herself, and she worried about him even though he could, too, and that they both still cared about one another even though they'd moved on. "I don't understand."

"I love her." It sounded as if he was saying it more so to embed it in his own mind than anything else.

"I know you do," Ginny replied, puzzled.

He looked at her, a weird expression in his eyes, his face solemn. "I love you."

For close to a minute she just stared at him, unable to formulate a response. He loved her? Still? How? He'd told her, ages ago, that he didn't love her anymore, that he'd moved on. She'd believed him, of course; how could she not? She had.

And all this time he'd still been in love with her. No wonder he'd seemed so awkward the few times she'd seen him since they broke up. Not all the time, no, but there'd be moments where he'd say extraordinarily odd things, and all she could do was try to change the subject -- and it had been because he loved her. Gods, what could she say? She realised she had opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, and finally allowed herself to stutter, "You-- but-- Zuko..."

"It ended too suddenly.... I never really was able to 'let go'...." He sighed and looked away.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. It was all she could think of to say. She was still reeling from his confession.

"I should apologize... I don't mean to complicate things... You're happier now... I'm glad...."

She shook her head slowly. "Don't apologise."

"Being with her feels wrong because I...." He sighed again, trying to straighten himself out. "Maybe our problem all along... Was just me...."

"Oh, Zuko, no." Ginny wasn't sure whether he was talking about the two of them, or himself and Mai, but either way it didn't matter -- he was doing it again, putting himself down, making himself worthless. And it was so unnecessary. "You... pardon the cliche--" She made a wry face. "You were one of the best things that has ever, ever happened to me," she told him, unconsciously stepping a bit closer. "You taught me a lot of things that I needed to know."

"About what?" He blinked, mildly curious. He hadn't expected her....to really take it in such a way...

"About how to not fuck up something so precious to me," she said after a moment.

He was about to let 'But you did that anyway' slip out, however, he caught himself. "...I see."

"...I don't know what else to say," she admitted after another long moment of silence, moving closer to him again without realising she was doing it.

"What else is there to say? You finally found what you were looking for, and I'm happy for you. Don't let my emotions and fucked up way of thinking hold you back or get in your way. I've managed dealing with myself on my own my entire life. I just need more time... To fully get over it..." Absently, he wrapped a loose arm around her waist.

She tensed, her mind rebelling against the fact that her body was reacting to his proximity -- if nothing else she couldn't deny that on some level she was still attracted to him. She shivered slightly as her muscles finally relaxed and she looked up at him. "I'm sorry," she said again, her voice soft.

"Don't be. Not because of me." He shook his head. "You've found your happiness. I don't want anything to destroy it. It's my fault I'm so messed up, and the only one who can fix it...
Is me."

"I wish I could fix it for you," she said, regret and sympathy clear in her voice.

"There are some things even you and your magic can't do," he sighed, finding the wall he was looking at very interesting. "I know my place in things, and I choose not to try to meddle. I know when I've lost. I have the honor as a man to not take what isn't mine, either." There was a hint of contempt in his voice. It was obvious he still blamed Light for everything, as much as it was her fault more so. He just couldn't face the fact that she wasn't as pure of heart as he led himself to believe. "Only thing I can do is let things work themselves out."

"I still wish I could help." She stepped a bit closer to him, her fingertips brushing against his scar as she reached up to push his hair out of his face so she could look at him. "You're my friend, Zuko, I care about you."

He wanted to flinch, to pull away, to run. However, something kept him frozen to the spot, unable to move. He looked at her meaningfully for a moment, leaning in closer, not even realizing he was doing so. "You're my friend too..."

She attempted a smile, dropping her hand. "I really am sorry," she said. "I didn't mean for things to happen this way."

He nodded, again finding the wall to be a lot more interesting to look at than anything else. It seemed whenever he got into an uncomfortable position, he could always find reassurance from inanimate objects. "Yeah..."

"Zuko, please don't shut me out again," she said, her expression going serious.

"You shouldn't have to bother with me," he replied flatly.

"Why not, pray tell?"

"You have enough to worry about," he shrugged.

"I have very little to worry about right now," she disagreed. "Don't turn off like that. Please."

"Besides...I don't think he'd like you being so...erm...word for it...'involved' with me anymore..."

Ginny rolled her eyes, making a disgusted sound. "Honestly, the two of you... Light knows full well you're one of my closest friends, and there's nothing he can do about it. He may not like it, but I'm my own person and I'll be friends with whomever I damn well please."

"Why do you do these things? Even though you know it upsets people you care about?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Do what things, talk to you?"

"Yeah." Another nod.

"I told you, Zuko." She reached up and tugged on a lock of his hair. "I care about you."

"I know you do," he sighed. "but sometimes it might be best to just let things be."

"Well, we all know how good I am at doing that." She gave him a wry smirk.

He shook his head. "I don't want to see you get hurt."

She gave an exasperated sigh and smiled at him again, reaching up to cup his face in both hands. "Zuko. Stop worrying about me. I'll be fine."

"I know you will," he nodded, letting a hand fall to her waist to draw her in closer. A soft sigh escaped his lips before he leaned in to lightly brush his lips against hers, and then stepped back quickly, shaking his head. "Sorry... I'm sorry... Shouldn't have done that.... No...."

She sucked in a breath and stepped back from him, eyes going wide. "Zuko..." she whispered.

"I'm sorry..." He said again.

Ginny just shook her head, unsure of how to respond.

"I'll just...go...and uh....jump out the window now..." He said quietly, pivoting on his heel.

"Don't," she said sharply, reaching out to grab his arm. "I'll... I'll go."

He looked extremely sad. "You don't have to... It's my fault...." He sulked. "I fucked up...again."

She shook her head again. "No. It's... it's all right. You stay here, I should be going home anyway." She suddenly realised that she was going to have to tell Light that Zuko had kissed her. Zuko had kissed her. Shite.

"Fine...Just...Be careful...." He sighed and slumped down onto the floor, resting his head against the doorframe and burying his face in his hands. There was no way he was going to get out of this in one piece. Fuck. He was going to time how long it took for either Light or Mai to go find and beat the crap out of him.

Ginny stood there for a moment, gnawing on her lip, and then Disapparated without saying anything else. She was not looking forward to this.

By the way, Edo's decided that the Entire Universe needs to see this . Seriously, take 20 minutes of your lives to lol at the wtf-ery. Because all of our (and by "our" I mean myself, Trisha, Nako, and Kate) predictions are coming true. XD Canon steals from us, wtf. D:

the wall is intertesting, epic fail, emo, hey look wall, zuko and ginny, amazing wall, log, lol, angst

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