
Aug 24, 2007 18:20

((ooc: Warning: It's fairly image-heavy under the cut. Not too bad, but I thought I'd give people the heads up anyway. ))

You know, I think I'm just going to stop trying.

Three freakin' times. Laughed at each and every one of them. Fuck this shit. I can wait.

There's a Starbucks a couple blocks away looking for bilingual people. I've been debating it because I actually do like coffee somewhat. If Mai is interested too it could give us something to keep ourselves occupied. There isn't much to this city really, unless you're interested in bootleg crap or getting mugged.

It seems a trailer of some sort was released. I'm mildly intrigued, so I decided to look for screencaps of the stupid thing.

How does one break a balloon with water? This makes no sense to me.

Whoever that guy is, he's pretty badass.

Nice hat, Sokka. :D

Katara is such a ho. :|

Okay, Sokka really is a fucking copycat. I get an old guy to teach me awesome badass shit, now he gets an old guy to teach him awesome badass shit. Where's your sense of originality, man?

I think the Avatar just earned a little more respect from me...

Katara, what did I tell you about influencing young minds? D:

SHOOP DA WOOP ...I mean, what? O_o;;

Why do I have a sinking feeling Katara will be on PMS throughout the whole season...

She's also apparently Moses now or something. :|

OMFG dkfsdfjslkfjsdlfsk THAT'S SO COOL! When did he learn to surf? D:

Where did the water come from? Still a ho...

I sense a lawsuit from the "Stardust" people.

That's attractive. :|

Oh noes! A bunch of Water Navy ships! I'm so scared, I'm shaking in my boots. Tch.

"Out of my way, bitch!" Damn I'm fucking awesome. :D

Chairs piss me off. D:

HOT!!! This also makes no sense.

The hat still makes me laugh. :D

If anyone makes a comment about me resembling my mother I will kill them.

Uncle's a traitor. D: Like I'm one to talk....

That's...actually really cute. When did he turn so hot? This is embarrassing and uncomfortable...

What is it with these people? I smile more than this. Really, I do. What, does me looking all angsty and regretful turn the fangirls on or something? D:

DAD!! ...

Katara's a child molester. DDD:

That's totally my ship he's on... :D Awww...Poor thing.

*cough* I don't think I want to know...

And this is for Mai....Because I can and I love her...

From what I can tell, there will be violence and nudity. ...Did it turn into an R-rated movie and no one told me? :|

I'm going to go...cuddle with my girlfriend some more.... And drink away perverted thoughts about the Avatar D:

((ooc: All the screencaps used were taken by me. I've got 110 of them hosted on my Photobucket. If you're interested, they're here. :D ))

lol at sokka, the avatar's hot, starbucks, sokka's hat is funny, my girlfriend's hot, katara's a ho, work, nice hat, sex fails, screencaps, wtf, mai's cruel

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