
Jul 26, 2007 19:19

((ooc: Edo has come to a sad realization. It's been absolutely forever since Zuko's made a Post of Death. What the fuck is wrong with you, Edo?! You're letting his Emo drain away! ;-; Noooo. So, I shall make him emo. Because he wouldn't be him if he didn't start moping and brooding all over the place. I mean, really. One Emo person can only be happy for so long. *dangles a playboy magazine in front of him and pulls it away just when he gets close to snatching it* 8D ))

What the fuck have I been doing?

It was only suppossed to be for a couple weks...and it somehow turned into practically a month. It's fun and all, but damn. I don't think I've spent this much on other people in my life. And now I have to pay for my car's new paint job, thanks to Orochimaru. :|

Had to change my service provider too, thanks to Orochimaru . If you want my new number, let me know.

Getting stoned and drunk is fun and all that jazz, but it's been leaving me in an even weirder funk than the one I was in before. For a few fleeting moments I actully thought I was happy and content. Haha, what a load of bullshit that is. All this damage I keep somehow inflicting upon myself, I swear I must be a masochist.

And yet, I've come to fully believe that I am, in fact, better off without her. I shouldn't need to be tied down. I don't like looking back. Every time I do, it's always a negative experience.

I think being reunited with Mai after all this time was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Fuck, I miss her. Knowing my luck she's probably been burned at the stake for treachery. Wouldn't put it passed my sister to do something like that, actually. Heh, I claim to have broken away from the family but every nasty act she pulls it just tugs the chain that holds me to her even harder. Guess she does have a strong grip on me after all.

((ooc: 8DDDD ))

damn it azula, haha sasuke, rant, forever alone, i think mai died, depressed, orochimaru's a prick, i hate my life, i'm cursed, wtf

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