OOC: Yeah I'm awesome..not. D:

Jul 13, 2007 12:43

(Last post of me for a while...and it's OOC again 'cause this would not fit in IC-ly XDDD)

Okay, time for a little backstory.

To get the joke please reference This comments thread . See it? Know it? Good.

Since then, Trisha and I have randomly been joking about it. Especially since it was something random I pulled from my ass. (As always. Clearly this is a sign I shouldn't go online when I'm tired but...oh well.) And the idea's been in my head ever since.

I also recently acquired Flash CS for my birthday. It's a glorious program. Now I cna be lazy. Instead of having to dig for my sketchbook to doodle, I can just open up Flash and doodle in that. (And then ANIMATE IT! Oh the horror!)

Inspired by that short, yet sweetly brilliant thread, I made this: Best mini animation ever! (LOL. I haven't used Flash in years, so I'm a bit rusty XD Guess this makes for good practice. ^^; )

One day it will becoming an actual cartoon. Hopefully. Because I sense more lulz in the future.

I demand my praise ego-stroking hugs now! For I have no life anymore. It ran away. I hope it comes back. ;_;

lol flash, edo has no life, animation, wheeee, ooc, man the fort!

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