OOC: OMFG LOG?!!! (Can't see unless you were there, which none of you were...)

Apr 13, 2007 21:17


[Who:] Zuko & Azula (NPC waiting for purge)
[Where:] Construction site on one of the Fire Nation islands
[When:] Tonight, when he left Iroh's place after a talk. (Which happened...I assure you...X3)((Though it was logged last night. *knows it's a bit weird*))
[What:] Fight between Zuko and Azula aka the usual sibling rivalry. Zuko gets totally owned. 8D
[Why:] ...Idiotic Decision #40540594504- Challenge sister even though Uncle advises otherwise. Let's just say he's one lotus tile short of a Pai Sho game. :D

Eyes kept forward, Zuko continued to trudge through the charred wood that made up one of the few forests left in the Fire Nation. The haze from all the smoke stung from not being around it for so long. He went on for a good long while before he finally made his way out. Upon exiting the less dense than normal forest he came upon a metal construction site being built over one of the more volcanic parts of the island. It was most likely going to be used to build more weapons, his father never quit with that. Remembering what had been agreed upon he sped down to the meeting spot near the entrance.

Azula stood there waiting for him, leaning against an iron scaffold. Checking her nails nonchalantly she smiled when she heard footsteps approaching. Looking as innocent as possible for her she turned her head to look at him, a dangerous glow in her eyes. “So, you’ve decided to come after all, Zuzu. I’ve been waiting for so long I was about to think you stood me up.”

“And I see you’re here alone,” he replied with a mildly devious smirk. “Mai and Ty Lee decide to bail on you? Some friends.”

“Where’s Uncle, or that pathetic group that follows the Avatar around? Looks like you’ve got no back up either,” a grin spread across her lips. “I wouldn’t be talking like that if I were you.”

“Touché,” Zuko nodded. “Shall we?” He motioned towards the boarded path workers used to navigate the site.

“So quick to cut to the chase?” Azula feigned surprise. “Alright then.” With an airy wave she led him into the depths of the site, the smell of melted metal and molten rock surrounding them.

“I’m not a criminal,” he said firmly as they walked together, side-by-side. “Why the hell did you put up a warrant for arrest?”

“Oh Zuzu,” she held a hand to her chest as if he had broken her heart. “You really think it was I who would’ve done such a thing?”

He tried not to look bothered by her obvious fake innocence, “Yes…and quit calling me that already. We’re not kids anymore.”

“What would you prefer I call you, then? Prince Zuko?” she then leaned in close so her lips were barely inches from his ear and she whispered, “Or perhaps Lord Zuko?”

A shiver ran down his spine as her words tickled against his ear. He refused to let himself falter, “My name is fine enough.”

“Dear brother,” Azula glowered for a moment. “What’s with the higher than thou attitude you’re pulling with me? It’s so very unlike you.”

“I told you Azula,” Zuko turned his head to look at her. “I’ve changed.”

“Oh right,” she rolled her eyes. “Like spending a few weeks alone with the world’s “last hope” and his friends could possibly change who you are.” She gave him a playful shove. “Come on…You’re Zuko. Prince Zuko. You’ve been trained by the finest in the Fire Nation to be practically the next coming apocalypse. It’s the destiny you are made for, been bred for. Are you really planning on throwing it all away? All the power and the honor, destined for you?” She couldn’t help the glee beginning to well up in her. Had she finally gotten her wish granted?

“I never said that, Azula,” he replied dryly. “I’ve just got a new way of looking at things…and that’s something Uncle’s shown me. Not Aang.”

“So does the little brat excuse for an Avatar have a name now?” Azula chuckled, blinking sweetly like a little schoolgirl. “It’s like he’s your pet now. Aw, how sweet! Won’t Father be proud?” Her eyes then held a devilish darkness to them. “Or at least he would be if you’d complete your mission and bring the kid home like you’re supposed to.”

He shot her a glare, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, Zuzu,” she purposely used his nickname to get on his nerves-to try to get the rise she needed. “That even still Father considers you to be a miserable failure and you have no hope of ever having your honor restored now.” Azula’s soft laugh had a maniacal edge to it that was meant to give one a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach. “Your throne is gone, Zuko. You’ve failed. Just like Uncle!”

“Keep Uncle out of this…” Zuko eyed her dangerously. “And I have not failed. Just because I refuse to be Father’s little errand boy does not mean I don’t have other plans in store.”

“What might they be? Lazing around doing nothing but peasants’ work while getting your carnal instincts satisfied by some whore?” A taunting look flickered in her eyes. “I would’ve thought the Avatar would be enough for you…Guess I thought wrong.”

“Leave her out of this…” his voice was a low growl, and if looks could kill his sister would’ve been dead on the spot. “You act like you know everything…”

“It’s not an act,” She waved his statement off as if it was a joke. “I do indeed know everything. Unlike you I actually learn about my opponent before rushing into things.”

“I have a valuable tile in my game that you certainly do not possess,” Zuko tried to look as if he had full confidence in himself though his voice was showing otherwise.

Azula’s brows rose at this, “Uncle teaching you Pai Sho analogies for battle already?” Again, she laughed at him. “Really now, what could you possibly have learned that I have not already mastered?”

“Unlike you, dear sister,” He took a few steps ahead and turned around so he was facing her head on. “I’ve learned from watching others’ mistakes…as well as my own.”

“You’re so naïve, Zuzu,” She rolled her eyes at him and smirked broadly. “Do you really think you’re good enough on your own? Should I remind the first time we faced off like this Uncle saved your hide? And then the second time it was the Avatar and those who travel along with him? You’re weak on your own, Zuko. Always have been, always will be.” Keeping her eyes locked on him, she took a few steps forward.

“That’s what you think,” Zuko glared at her, taking more steps backwards as she took more forwards. “I’ve had time to learn new tricks.”

“Oh I know,” Azula chuckled deviously. “Who would’ve thought the part you have down there actually did anything? Your lady must have a high level of patience to put up with your foolish attempts. I’m proud of you brother, really. Next time come back when you’ve actually learned to do something useful…”

Soon he was no longer walking on wooden board and instead on metal scaffolding. “I’m not kidding you, Azula.”

“Could this be Zuzu trying to be all manly and serious?” her bottom lip stuck out in a faked pout. She burst out into a wicked cackle. “You’re funny, really. I humor you as much as Ty Lee humors Uncle. You sure pick a lot up from the old buffoon.” She too made her way onto the thin strip of metal, the sounds the heels of her boots made echoed.

“Is this why you called me out here? To make fun of me?” Zuko stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her seriously.

“If I’m not mistaken you requested to see me,” Azula waggled her eyebrows suggestively for a moment before continuing. “I just chose the location,” she too stopped moving. “No matter, actually I have a …proposition of sorts.”

“What sort of ‘proposition’?” he glowered at her, obviously suspicious of any ulterior motives she might have.

She delicately tiptoed up to him and leaned in close so her face was mere inches from his. “Instead of always gallivanting off on your own, why don’t you just suck up your pride and come with me? Family is everything…and I am a master after all…There’s a lot you could learn….Think about it Zuko,” Azula leaned in even closer so her lips were near his ear, her voice a dark whisper. “With me you could have everything back. Anything you could ever want would be yours. Father would be proud of you, he’d love you again. And dear mother wouldn’t be so ashamed of having such a failure for a son…rest her soul...”

“What…?” Zuko’s eyed widened in shock. “….She isn’t….You….” He couldn’t help but stammer, his hands shaking with the desperate need to choke her on the spot.

“Now, Zuko…” Her lips curled into a sinister smile as she brought her hand up to cup his cheek, looking meaningfully into his eyes. “…Have I ever lied to you?”

He didn’t even need to ponder that for long before stepping back to launch of ball of fire at her. “Yes…” Zuko snapped bitterly when the flame went out before it even reached her, more of a warning shot than anything. “…You have.”

“Can’t say I didn’t try to be reasonable with you,” she shrugged before leaping up to launch a ball of fire of her own at him…and this was not a warning shot.

Skidding on the slippery metal he managed to dodge it but just barely. He flicked his wrists so two slender fire daggers came from them and he dashed at her, swinging a fist.

As if he were nothing more than a pesky fly she blocked his punch and brought her leg up to kick him in the side.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite expecting that sort of retaliation so her foot collided with his ribs and he faltered for a moment, clutching his side for a bruise would surely form. Snarling like an enraged animal, he focused his bending energy into the fires beneath him and pulled up a strand of flames long enough to be a whip. No sooner did he acquire it before he swung it at her.

She contorted her body so the flames grazed against her hair, frying some ends off. With a glare she backed up until she was back on the wooden planks, shooting small flame bullets from her fingertips.

Zuko hissed and winced in pain as the small flames pelted against him, all leaving little burns in their wake. He charged forward at her, shooting a rather large fire blast from his fist.

A small wall of blue flame spread in front of her as Azula used it to shield her from his blast. With the same blue fire she molded it into a ball and shot a beam of it directly at him.

Not quite quick on his feet, Zuko tripped as he attempted to dodge it and it sent him flying backwards. He clung desperately onto the metal scaffold like a cat onto a tree branch, his nails leaving marks.

As she saw him struggle to pull himself back up she approached him, a wickedly pleased expression dancing in her eyes. Coyly, she leaned forward and looked at him. “Guess we now know who the superior truly is….darling, brother.” With a laugh she shoved him.

Her shove was the final leverage against him and he slid off, falling into the fiery depths below.

Satisfied with herself, and pleased with the fact the throne was now hers she turned on her heel and started walking away.

Within a few moments of his fall he came bolting upwards like a rocket, flames blasting out around him and he landed back behind her. “I told you I’ve learned….” He smirked, the flames brushing off him and disappearing into the air, leaving his clothes and skin charred and burned.

“So you have…” Azula grinned and whipped around to launch another flame at him.

Not making the same mistake twice he whipped out his broadswords and used them to direct the blast of fire away from him. He then focused his energy into heat and used his swords to direct bursts of flames right back at her.

She dodged as much as possible, some bits of her clothing getting burned in the process. Snarling, Azula lunged at him with no more than a flame covered fist.

With a loud clang as her fist met his blade, Zuko blocked her and swung the other at her.

She swerved so the blade missed cutting her open and continued to force herself upon him, swinging a fiery kick to knock him off balance.

Her foot hit him hard in the side and he faltered for a moment, backing up. There was a loud thunderclap and brief flashes of lightning as a storm started to build. Deciding that direct force wasn’t going to allow him to win, he backed up quickly until he was on the wooden boards on the other side of the scaffold. Quickly, so his back wouldn’t be turned to her for long, he ran forward until he was out of the site and into a clearing. Where neither of them wouldn’t risk the negative effects of being over fire during a storm.

As Zuko tried to make a run for it Azula took off after him, blasting flames out behind her to give an extra boost. She could feel a few droplets of rain splash against her cheeks. When they made it to the clearing she launched another blast of fire at him. “Playing with knives will get you nowhere, even now!”

“I’m just not afraid to break tradition,” Zuko retorted using his swords to absorb the fire and launched it back at her.

“Zuko,” she shook her head, welling up steadily growing balls of fire in her palms. “You’re a Firebender, manipulating your element is in your blood! Use it!” She then blasted the fire at him.

Hastily, he bent over backwards as far as he could go, the fire grazing across his torso, burning his clothes off to expose his chest and stomach. “I’d rather broaden my horizons and learn newer techniques,” he brought himself back up, the remaining fabric of his top falling off his shoulders slightly. The rain was getting heavier, and the ground squishy.

The sound of thunder and lightning was like music to Azula’s ears. “Give up now and run away…or join me, whatever you wish….Or even better, just give in and let me kill you…” She took slow steps towards him. “Either way, no matter what you decide, you’ll always fail. No matter what.” A grin formed on her face. “Trust me Zuko, there’s no way you’re getting out of this.”

“Before I came here…” Zuko held his swords in front of him as a defensive posture. “I made a promise to someone that I’d make it….and unlike you….” He shot almost-blue flames from his swords at her. “I keep to my word.”

“Your touchingly cute soft side is your downfall,” Azula directed his flames away from her. “You’ve lost, Zuko. This is the part where you kneel before me, begging for mercy. There’s no way either of us could keep this going with the rain building.” She glared at him. “We both know I’m the better make for ruler of the Fire Nation. So do it, Zuko, bow to me…” She started circling him.

Rain starting to come down in heavy sheets, Zuko kept his gaze locked on her. “I’ll never…” he aimed the tip of one sword at her, towards her throat. “Bow to you.”

“You’ll regret that!” And with that statement a bolt of lighting came and Azula brought it to her. Quick as a flash she lunged and directed it right at his sword.

The loud crack of the bolt of lightning striking into the metal of his sword was like one being shot in the heart with a bullet. It surged through the metal into his arm and rippled through his body. Desperately he recalled what his uncle had showed him and tried to direct it out. It scraped passed his heart singed his lungs but managed to pass through. Coughing up blood, his weapons dropped to the ground along with his body.

Smirking, Azula walked up to his limp body and knelt down to tilt his head up. “It’s over, Zuzu…I win. The right to rule is something you’re born lucky with. Not for someone who is lucky to be born.” With that she kicked him and walked off, not even bothering to look back at the brother she abandoned.

Feeling dizzy and blood sputtering to his mouth, not to mention the insane amount of pain from all his burns and bruises, Zuko really thought he was going to die right there. He stared out at the hazily distance, feeling the rain soak his body and he remembered the one thing that could save his life and give him another chance. With a loud cough he uttered the one word that would be his saving grace and he vanished.



zuko vs azula, log, ooc

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