Yeah she is here right now and making alot of noise too damn it -_-#
So I'm going to turn the first of my nightmares into a story and send it in to Rush hopefully..what it works for King.
Not much else to say other than that
rufustehshinra looks sooooooo cute when she is sleeping.
Yoinked this from
karuchanA fun survey to put in your LJ
~*All About You*~
What is your name?: Chloe`
When were you born?: Denver, CO
Where do you live?: Dayton, OH
Are you male of female?: Female.
How tall are you?: 4'11" and 3/4ths
What color hair do you have?: light brown
Is it your real hair color? If not what is?: same
Do you have glasses/contacts?: Reading glasses
What color are your eyes?: Hazel, they change a lot
If you are a you have any facial hair?:n/a
What is your ethnic background?: Irish/German/French/Jewish/Muslim
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Fiance thank you
If so...what is thier name?: Amanda
If you do not have a partner do you have a crush?:n/a
Are you or have you ever been in love?: Yes.
What is your religion?: Hadinite
Do you have any nicknames?: Monkey,Okami,Cj, short goes on
Do you play any sports?: not at the moment
What are your hobbies?: writing,reading,drawing,all thing realted to otaku,and anoying my mother with my politcal veiws
~*Either/ Or*~
McDonalds Or Burger King?: BK
Chicken or Beef?: Fish
Dogs or Cats?: both
White chowder or Red chowder?: white
West coast or East coast?: East coast.
English or Math?: English.
Pants or Shorts?: shorts
Sweatshirts with hoods or sweatshirts without hoods?: With hoods.
Salty or Sweet?: Sweet please
Fluff or Jelly?: fluff
Summer or Winter?: Summer
Hot dogs or Hamburgers?: Hot dogs
Football or Baseball?: soccer
French Fries or Onion rings?: Onion rings
Contacts or Glasses?: Glasses.
Coffee or Tea?: Tea please
Soda or Juice?: Juice
Skiing or Swimming?: Swimming.
Rings or Bracelets?: Bracelets.
~*When is the last time you...*~
Talked on the phone?: this morning
Laughed?: last night
Hugged someone?: Yesterday.
Kissed someone?: last night
Told someone you loved them....and meant it?: just now
Drove?: never
Ate?: bananna
Danced?: I was dancing to pass the time on lane yesterday
Rode a roller coaster?: don't remeber
Went out to dinner?: When Chris and Anna came down
Swam in the ocean?: when i was 13
Went to a concert?: a few years ago
Bought yourself something new?: early this month it was a scecth book
Worked?: Yesterday.
Played a board game?: no clue
Went to a party?: Never
Saw your best friend?: Yesterday
Saw a shooting star?: when I was 16 it was in Denver
Got nervous/happy butterflies?: earlyer this week
~*Do You...*~
Like to cook?: when i'm in the mood
Have any piercings?: Yes I want more lots more
How about tattoos?: Yes one one my upper right arm it is the kanji for "Samurai", and I want more
Do you drink?: sometimes
Smoke?: No.
Do Drugs?: No.
Have cable/satellite televison?: Yes.
Go to school?: nope
Actually like school?: i want to
Like to read?: Hell yeah
Like to play video games?: YES!!!
Eat vegetables?: yes love most of them
Eat seafood?: SUSHI!!!!!!!
Have the ability to curl your tongue?: Yes.
Like to shop?: For books and art supplys
Like to go to clubs?: never been don't wanna
Like to dress up?: Every once in awhile.
Do you or did you go to school dances?: I went to Karu's prom
Like your job (if you have one)?: Fuck no are you kidding
~*Which one of your friends...*~
Do you have the most memories with?: Linda
Do you have the most in common with?: Karu
Is the loudest?: Linda
Is the most attractive?: Maddie
Is the funniest?: maybe Matt...or Rocky...or Charlie..thats a tuffy
Do you trust the most while in the car?: don't have one
Do you trust the least while in the car?: same
Do you tell the most secrets to?: Maddie
Has told you the most secrets?: maddie
Makes you nervous?: I worry about Anna alot
Has the biggest wardrobe?: no idea
Has the nicest car?: Charlie
Is always late?: Me
Is always happy?: Linda hands down
Is the most hyper?: Linda
Has the worst taste in the opposite sex?: don't know
Is the smartest?: we are all egg heads
Is the most photogenic?: Anna
Has the best job?: Charlie (Army)
~*Ouick thoughts to ponder*~
What came first the chicken or the egg?: Chicken but it wasn't a chicken then it was reptilian bird that laid the chicken egg (evolotion for me bitches)
Is the glass half empty or half full?: what glass
Describe your perfect date:: Romantic dinner,a nice walk under the stars..hey I've had that date with Maddie during Otakon..
Describe your ideal vacation spot:: Cons...Athens sound good to
What are some qualities you'd like your significant other to have?: cheerful,smart,great cook, open minded,funny, know what it creepy how much she is ment for me sometimes
Describe your dream job: Mangaka please!!
Describe your dream ride?: Helicopter like Reno's
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?: someplace with 5 star food that is free
If you could speak to one person dead or alive who would it be?:
Alexander the Great
If you could be anyone or anything in the world what would it be?: Me but I would be a big name Mangaka
Why did you take this survey?: It's fun