... sorry I kinda of.... dropped off the face of the earth.... for a while owo;;; *sob* I was never good at this keeping a journal thingggg *sob*
So... I guess,,, I'll just talk about what I've... been doing lately...? I finshed Darker than Black a couple of days ago, it was pretty good! I definetely liked it, it was very... actiony and just. Idk, awesome? \o/
Lets go with that.
Just cut my hair super short, like, Haruhi Fujioka short ;D I like itttt. Haha my hair just keeps getting shorter and shorter. (Someone stop me if I start making any indications of going any shorter than this, I'll end up bald)
Just finished up my final quater at my communtiy college, and now OFF TO TRANSFER TO MIAMIIII WOOO \o/
Still messing around with that Drrr!! facebook thing =w= A lot of... stuff has happened lol. Aoba's got a crush on Kida, who's engaged to Mikado, Izaya and Shizuo are out of the hospital, Erika and Walker are going steady, Izaya's continues to make Kida's and Aoba's lifes as difficult as possible, it's all good fun.
Ah speaking of RPing, I've recently been stalking
campfuckudie ... I-I want to join so bad. SO BAD ;w; GUYS WHY ARE THEY ALL SO AMAZING... I've been seriously considering it. Though it's seems to be incrediably difficult to get in, but that's part of what makes it so awesome. The Kida and Mikado on there are AMAZING. DO YOU HEAR ME? AMAZING. I MEAN SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. BUT YEAH.
... I've been seriously considering it. I've been doing a lot of researching on how to apply, how to make a good app, how the camp works (though... I'm still a little uneasy on that), what you need to have as far as a journal and icons go and just... I want to soooo bad guys.
And to start... I need to pick a character. Which... is actually really hard. I don't want to talk about what characters I've been considering on here, because it's suppose to an anon app, so... I don't know if I can say it on my journal directly... There's a character I'm seriously considering, but I need to rewatch the canon and possibly re-read too... and... I need to decide the time frame from which to take them.
... this will be a difficult process.
.... I g-guess... t-that's it owo; ?