Apr 17, 2005 08:27
SO! friday instead of going to TJ we went to San Diego. yea rudy started gettting freaked out by his uncle with all the stories so he thot we should go down there another time with a group of people. but san diego was SO nice and sooo much fun! i love san diego :) we went to horton plaza to just shop around and then we went and saw the coranado hotel which is amazing! we also got wedding info from the coranado cuz it was just crazy beautiful but then we saw the prices, i think we've pretty much disrigaurded that idea. but yea, the whole trip was good fun :)
yesterday i didnt work so ALL...and i mean, ALL day i worked on my paper. except when i got my hair re-done. yay! but yea...already had my working bibliography done but i had to: read through all my sources (11) and hightlight what i thot was interesting/what i could use in my papaer, make note cards for almost all that i hightlighted, type my rough outline, and then type my rough draft! yea,...i got all that done yesterday! yay for me, im a procrastinater!!!! well, at least its done now. now today all i have to do is type my final outline and final draft...well since im pleased with my rough outline and draft, im just gunna print 2 copies of each cuz im a perfectionist with my rough anyways so why not?!
rudy is doing soooo good in the academy, im really proud of him! :)