Jan 05, 2005 22:10
God has taught me lots about myself this passed year.
1. i have learned that even tho i say i rely on HIM and trust HIM i doesnt mean that i'm doing it.
2. i have learned that i am a stronger person then i thot i was
3. i have learned that i need to be who i am and not change just to keep someone in my life
4. i have learned to be more patient
5. i have learned that sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you gotta deal with it
6. i have learned that i dont have to settle for things expecting them to change, i just have to set my standards high and not change them
7. i have learned that I AM worth it!
8. i have learned not to rely on people as much but to get myself out in the world to learn things and experiance for what they are, whether they be good or bad
9. i have learned to rely on the Lord more, for HE has my best interest at heart <3
10. i have learned, "i am young and i dont need to be comfortable in an old maid lifestyle just yet!"
11. i have learned that i have a lot more to learn
12. i have learned that reading the word and meditating on Godly things really DO have an impact on my life
13. i have learned that i shouldnt be shy to talk to people about what God is doing in my life
14. i have learned that just becuz i guy will 'say' his a Christian, doesnt mean he has an authentic close walk with God
i have learned so much about myself and i owe it all to the One who knows me best. Thank you God for showing me many things about myself that i needed to learn. Guide me with every step i take and give me wisdom for every choice i make. Give me discernment and let me not fail you. I am yours and i owe my life for all you've done for me. Grow me up in you, make me strong, teach me Your ways 'O God for i am just a child learning to take the hard road. I chose that hard road with all my heart. I choose the hard road becuz you chose it for me. I can not thank you enough for what you've done and what you are still yet to do. Lead me in your ways and let me always be faithful and true. Let me walk by your side all the days of my life, lead me by those still waters. I love you. I want you to be my first love again. Keep me safe as i walk, though it will be hard, let me not faulter. Love me a guide me. amen.