I think I'm dumb or maybe just happy

Apr 09, 2009 07:40

I've practically missed an entire week of classes. Friday I woke up at 8 and couldn't make it to my biology class on time. Luckily, my math class was cancelled. Friday afternoon packed all my crap and drove 6 hours to gainsville to spend the weekend with my sister. Two things occured: A- My cousin learned that I am a happy drunk, B- my aunt recently found out that I am accident prone. Monday I overslept again and did not go to biology and once again math was cancelled. Tuesday- I ended up waking up late again but went to class. Wednesday I woke up early and made it to biology. Which interestingly enough was appropriate seeing as my crush upon coming in and sitting down immediately turned around and looked at me as if to say " Where the hell have you been??" I got my period last night and woke up with unbearable cramps in the morning and my right eye is red. Oh, eventhough I did go to biology I got distracted by playing cards with my friends that I missed math. I doubt I was the only one who did but I guess I'll have to wait until monday to see. Tomorrow the college is shut down so I have a pretty long weekend to enjoy. Or... you know, do the rest of my math hw.
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