--mildly goobery interlude below--
You know, it's really awesome to read/say/write things like, "We'll decide..." "That's for us," or "We're going to do x." It's something I never in a million years thought I would do, picturing myself as a perpetual spinster being my default mode of thought, but it's really damn cool. :D And I'm not even using it in the royal sense!
--end mildly goobery interlude--
So. Yes. Working out. Shai and I convinced Dylan to join the downtown YMCA as well, so all three of us are getting svelte and toned and whatnot. Generally Shai and I go in the mornings, and man, it makes a ridiculous difference in my attitude at work. I almost don't need my coffee! Almost, though, so don't try to take it from me unless you wish yourself bodily harm. :P
Monday I had a doc's appt, and I weighed in 167. 167!!! Woot! Only 5 lbs. less than my 'breakthrough' lj post several months ago, but the composition of fat vs. muscle in those pounds has vastly changed. (And it also marks a 20 lb. difference from my appt. last year.) I have back and leg and arm muscle definition! You can see the very beginnings of ab definition! Plus I'm generally more energetic (other issues notwithstanding) and don't wheeze like a fish in the hands of frat boys when I climb a set of stairs.
Tubin' is going to rock, and I'm actually looking forward to the dreaded act of swimsuit shopping. I might even -- gasp! shock! -- purchase a true two-piece bikini. Scandalous!
Also, a smaller Y-extension has opened near my office, and it has yoga/pilates at 6 AM on differing days. We're going to look into it so we'll not only be fit and trim, but able to bend ourselves into all kinds of interesting shapes. :D It's gonna rock.
ETA: I've been meaning to run/jog in a 5K for several years now, and I'm finally in good enough shape that I know I can finish one. So while hunting for upcoming races, what do I find but
THIS. Completely up my alley. Houston, we have a winner. ;)