This is so disgusting

May 18, 2006 12:13

Senate Judiciary Committee Backs Gay-Marriage Ban Amendment

I'm so goddamn sick of this shit. Bush's approval numbers are at an all-time low, over half the country is saying they want Democrats to control Congress, and most of this is based on the war in Iraq and gas prices. But rather than address these issues or admit to any kind of scandal, rather than try to clean up their image or actually find some solid platform to run on (not that the Republican Party has much of one right now...), what do they do? Rehash the 2004 elections.

"Oh hey, there, fundamentalists and homophobes! We've completely ignored you the past 2 years, because we gotta get those tax cuts for the rich through, and ya know, Iran's kinda pissing us off, but gee, it's getting on election time, so we just wanted to let you know we haven't forgotten about you! We'll get those gays good and dead 'activist judges' put in their places, yessiree, Bob, we will. Eventually. Honest. So come on out and vote again! What's that, you can't afford to drive to the polling place because gas is so expensive and thanks to real wages being ridiculously lower than they should be you're up to your eyeballs in debt? Walk! Think of Jesus, he walked everywhere. Remember, Republicans and Jesus love you!"

If the evangelists and "family values" people actually fall for this shit all over again, they deserve whatever hellacious consequences result. I just wish we wouldn't have to suffer right with them.


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