May 01, 2005 13:16
Today was youth sunday and it was a blast! Well I got to play some music with teh praise band and didn't do as bad as I thought I would. Then we were viseted By Tim (WOOT) that was ok ;) naw it was great to see him again! Then I got to help out Kelly and Mindy (hope I spelt that right)by playing my guitar for them while they sang and I guess I did ok with that cause they never jumped me after either services sooo...!
Then Anissa and I did a lil piece witch sounded better second service cause I didn't screw the song up! Then whoever was left after the second service and was out in the breeze-way got a lil treat, They got to see me in my (what i think hidiouse) dance outfit Yeeaah I had to get pictures taken in that! Oi I hope i didn't break the mans camura! (he did drop it though when he was getting ready to take my pic!)
Then my dad left to go to Boston. But hey something good always comes from him going to another state (I get a new Hard Rock Cafe pin when he gets back WOOT)! But all together It has so far been a pritty rock my socks day!