I still can't be bothered with a proper entry, so here's funny stuff people have said at school, possibly only funny to other CCHS-ers.
"This means to withdraw from a political situation. This means to WIN!" - Rubino on the difference between "succeed" and "secede"
"Sorry, those of you of the Indian persuasion!" and "Sorry to the Asian side of the room...over there." - Rubino's not too PC
hypocrite" - Herr Neuhaus can't spell
Chelsea: "...und sie haben Sex..."
Kathryn and Terry: "...gehabt."
Jessie: "Where are you putting your phone?"
Hatmaker: "My butt."
Hagan: "We're not going to be able to have our quiz today. We'll have ot have it tomorrow."
Us: "...what quiz??"
Hagan: "Well, we have a quiz tomorrow."
Rubino: "One of our favorite breakfast foods comes from the dutch."
Brennen: "Raisin Bran!"
Rubino: "Right, waffles!"
Tharuni was eating a peach-
Herr Neuhaus: "Aus Georgia oder California?"
Tharuni: "Uh, weiss nicht."
Gen: "Aus Publix!"
"The moon scores a home run every month!" - Bill Nye
"Frau Kelly hat zwei...extra...Deutscher.."
Taylor had a little trouble sharpening his pencil because it had staples all over it-
Ms Callahan: "This is why we can't have nice things!"
Kristie: "...because people staple them?"
Ms Callahan: "I don't know, it's what my mom always said."
Rubino: "Who was responsible for all this westward expansion?"
Zeke: "Oh, David Bowie!"
Rubino: "Yes, David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars!" (actually it was Daniel Boone. we gave Zeke SO MUCH CRAP for that)
"Es ist nur tote noten." - Neuhaus
Duncan: "Es ist toll.."
Neuhaus: "Was ist toll?"
Duncan: "...alles?"
"I learned what transgender was. And I learned that I'm not homophobic." - Herr Neuhaus went to a "GBT awareness meeting" one teacher workday. And we had a 15-minute argument because he didn't actually learn what transgender meant
"You sound like unhappy sleigh bells." - Hatmaker
Ms Guyton: "Does anyone have a ball point pen?"
Joey: "I have a regular point pen."
"I love The A-List books. They're like the Baby-Sitter's Club gone bad!" - Jordan
"Stop spinning the sticks! It's only a good skill...well, it's NOT a good skill." - Hatmaker
Me: "It's over here."
Santiago: "You're over here."
Me: "Your mom's over here."
Santiago, incredibly confused: "No, she's..not?"
Me: "What color should I print on my black one?"
Memphis: "Envelope!"
"He sounds a like a girl running away from a cow." - Salvador
"It's whole blood as opposed to...2%?" - platelets, actually, Kaitlyn
"So I mention that as a fun little fact. Plus it's just fun to talk about prostitution." - Rubino
"Elvis! Nazi!" - Rubino again.