Jun 05, 2006 15:02
So Rent was Saturday. And it was awesome. Despite the fact that we had ridiculously far back seats- I was excited because I took "Row R" to mean on the floor, which would be really close, but actually it was up in the balcony. Waaay back; I was sad. So yeah, we couldn't really see anyone's face except Mark's/Jed Resnick's because he had the glasses. :( Anyway I got over that and..well, it was awesome. I'm still excited. Except the people near us who wouldn't shut up during the beginning of Seasons of Love and started singing along (quietly but still audibly) to Take Me Or Leave Me. The guy who played Steve (who didn't look much like the guy the program said played him? but as I said we couldn't see their faces well so who knows) in Will I? made me cry. Lalala, what else? I think Christmas Bells is still my favorite song. The Squeegeeman is hilarious though I can't figure out who played him. And the table-humping-type-thing during the "mucho masturbation" line was hilarious. We tried stagedooring afterward but I had to pee first which wasted time. I bought a shirt. That was before it all started, though...this is not chronologically in order. We went back to the diner we ate at beforehand (which has excellent milkshakes) and had cake.
Other stuff: Worked my first day at the Book Nook Thursday, it was good though I was nearly driven crazy by the lack of music. Had my recital Friday which went well. Bought jazz shoes Saturday, w00t! They're crazy comfortable and I wore them that night. Had my first driving lesson yesterday (as in with a driving schoool intructor person not my mom) which went really well and I drove on the highway for the first time ever, woo! Worked more today and that was much better- less shelving and there was music this time. And some interesting characters...
I should really pack, seeing as we leave tomorrow night for Pittsburgh...