
Oct 06, 2009 14:10

Apparently, my betas for chapter one FAILED. xP

Is there anyone here who can grammar nazi (and I DO MEAN GRAMMAR NAZI)? I'm looking for older, more experienced writers this time, and I KNOW I have some who've friended me. ^_^ ...Lina, you seem like the grammar nazi type. 8D

And preferably not too many close friends. ^_^;; Things good friends say tend to hurt xP or they are too NICE. If I am EVER going to stop crying over how much I suck, I need to be able to put something up that does NOT suck, and to do that, I need a writer/grammar nazi. ...I am very determined here. >O GIVE ME GRAMMAR NAZIIIIII *FOAMS*

...Or just Nazis. ...Nazis are sexy. Especially when they are Hughes and they bleed. :'D

beta plz?, halp, nazis

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