am:: confused, very confused.
want:: my wrist and back pain to magically disappear
need:: for my stomach to stop being so full
crave:: a certain persons attention
love:: Nick
hate:: School, kinda
did:: drive around today when I shouldn't have (lack of gas money)
feel:: drainned of all energy
miss:: Nick's loving arms around me
am annoyed by:: my mom, not having a date to the dance tomorrow night (yes, I'm that vain currently)
would rather:: Have Cody freaking message me back
am tired of:: my wrist hurting, needing to go to the doctor, school
will always:: want something new
What is your favourite genre of music?:: rock
What time is it now?:: 7:18 pm
What day is it?:: thursday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: earlier today
How much money do you have right now?:: nadda (need to get hold of my grandma to get money for the dance)
Are you hungry?:: nope, I'm full
Whatcha doin?:: wondering if Cody's going to message me back, wondering if John's going to im me back...wondering when I should get offline to talk to Nick.
Do you like parades?:: They're ok
Do you like the moon?:: Love it
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: probably get offline and talk to Nick, or talk to Cody some more (if he's online)
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: not really
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: Telekenesis, or telepathy
Have you ever had a picnic?:: yep
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: nope, but I'd played with hem
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: nope
funny?:: yeah, sometimes
pretty?:: yeah, every once in a while
sarcastic?:: yep
lazy?:: yep
hyper?:: hell no
friendly?:: to anyone that's friendly back
evil?:: when I want to be
smart?:: when I apply myself
strong?:: emotionally
talented?:: meh
dorky?:: more like I'm a loser...
suicide:: against
love:: for
drunk drivers:: against
airplanes:: for
war:: against
canada:: for
united states:: for
rock music:: for
gay marriage:: for
school:: for
surveys:: for
parents:: for
cars:: for
killing:: against
britney spears:: against
coffee:: for
pants:: for
Sky dive?:: no
Play strip poker?:: maybe
Run away?:: nope
Curse at a teacher?:: almost did earlier today...
Not take a shower for a week?:: oh god no
Ask someone out?:: yeah
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: nope
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yes
Go scuba diving?:: nope
Write a book?:: I wouldn't mind it
Become a rockstar?:: yeeeesssss
Have casual sex?:: no
What shampoo do you use?:: suave
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: ...
What kind of computer do you have?: emachine
What grade are you in?:: I'm supposed to be a senior, sadly I only have sophmore credits
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: haven't thought about it yet
Or just make out?:: I like making out...lol
How many posters do you have in your room?:: two
How many cds do you have?:: too many, lol
What time is it now?:: 7:23 pm
Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: yes
Retarted?: yeah
Ugly?: no
Hot?: yes
Fat?: in a kidding way
Anorexic?: in a kidding way
A waste of space?: no
Useless?: no
Smelly?: no
A Slut?: I've been called a whore before
Beautiful?: yes
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: yes
Boring?: no
A Bitch?: yes
Rebel?: yes
Conceited?: not really
What are you wearing?: Nick's sweater, my duckie shirt and some jeans
Who are you talking to?: Nobody
How is the weather? it's cooling down
What are you listening to?: the television
What/Who are you thinking about?: I'm thinking about Nick, and how I miss him, I'm thinking of Cody and of how cute he is and how me and him are getting along so well, I'm thinking of asking Cody to the dance since Nick can't go, I'm thinking about seeing the Corpse Bride tomorrow with John and Nick and whoever else...lots more
What are you eating/drinking?: drinking a pepsi
What are you looking forward to?: Science tomorrow morning, seeing the corpse bride tomorrow afternoon, going to the dance tomorrow night. Seeing Nick tomorrow.
What are you dreading?: The rest of the school day, asking Cody to the dance
How are you feeling?: sickly
How is your hair?: long, just spread out about my shoulders (down)
What time is it?: 7:26 pm