So the other day I was taking pics of the new jumper I made for the pyro_doll_online_boutique...... Julien insisted to have his "new hair"
Julien: "How do you think of the hair??? "
me: "I think it gives you a bit more naughty feeling..."
Julien: "hum...althought I would like it abit longer in the back, specially...."
me:" -----uhum....yeap.....we'll look for another fur wig as soon as we get something sold!"
Julien: "................. ¬ , ¬'''' ....I dun see how if you don't put up the shop already!"
me: "WTH?!?!??!?!------ *kicks*.....f*cking insultingly pretty doll!!!!! > < !!!!!"
Julien: "How about he jumper?!?!? Suitsme?? Sell-able?!?!?"
me: "----I'm quite happy with it....suits you cool...
hum...hope ppl will like the simplistic feel of it..."
Jul:" simplistic????
...lemme give it some flair, then......"
me: " ...... ¬ , ¬'''''''''''''''''''''''' *shakes head* ......
....stop it, already!!!!!!!! > < "
Jul: " owwkkiiee...........sorry..........
...I'm doing it right now..... [for he sake of my new wig!]"
me: *lesigh*
you're lucky that you're so pretty------- *damn resing creature*"
*dreamy sigh*...he is like one of those alabaster angels from the cementery.........
Jul: "pyroZ......."
me: "hun?"
Jul: " I need a lover............"
me: " O_o'''''''' fine.......butbutbutbut.....if we have no money for're we gonna get you a lover?!?!"
me: "Okie...Miho's turn now.......wth?!?!"
Jul: "swot?!!??!we're relaxing....."
me: "oooh yah....from your hard work, rite???"
Jul&Miho: "*nodnod*
Jul: "hoi Miho---------- you look so cute with this hair ^-^"
Miho: *blush*
[me thinks.....:"Juls, really....shouldn't we get you glasses instead of a wig?!???!]
Jul: " wanna play disgese with me?!?!?!"
Miho: "*nod nod nod nod nod efusively nod*"
me: "eeerr......??? weren't we going to take Miho's pics to sell the dress?!??!"
Jul: "...sure...we can do that later!"
me: " - _ -''''' "
Miho: stares in a whatever look.....
Jul: _ignoring me_ "-----*lol* what?!?!?.....okie...why not, should be fun......"
Miho........*drum roll*
*makes an introducing sing*
Jul: "Mademoiselle--------------
Juliette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^________^''' *lol* ---------"
me: "..................... O_o''''' dunno how can I still be surprised of this......."
Jul: "swot?!??! ain't we cute?!?!
me: "you could at least remove your socks!"
Jul: "no way!! I love them!.....don't mademoiselles were socks?!?!?"
me: " ^^' does this mean Miho wants a sister?!?!?"
Miho: *shakehead*
Jul: "no need babe.....she's got me! *girly mode*"
me: "*sigh*....that's what I worry most...... -_-' "
both: "* giggle* "
me: "now what?!?"
Jul: "Miho now.------------- wants to play"
me: *lol* Miho-----you're so little!!!!!! Look those trousers!!!
Miho: *makes angry face*
me: "they look quite good on you thought! ^^' "
Jul&me: " O , O & * O * !!!!!!!! wooh Miiihoooo!!!!!!!!!! stunning!!!!!"
me: "what's with the dominatrix look?!?!?!?! And all that crossdressing?!?!?!?"
Jul: "shhhh-----it's perfect for me..... *omg...Mihhhooooooo............... *blood starts to apear under his nose....*"
me: "pretty!!!!!!! and very diferent too!!!!"
Jul: *nodnod*
Miho: "blush*
Jul: *stare stare*
me: " *punch Jul's head* stop that pervert look already!!!!! > < "
me: *lol* ..."she's pretending you now, Jul! *rolls on the floor of laughter*
Jul: *blush*.......
me: -----" O_o'''' she has really gotten in the mistress rol!!!"
Jul: "yeah babe---------------"
me: "what would your army companions and subordinates would think if they saw you now ^^' "
Jul: "they would provably die in jelousy *lol*---this is very exciting!!! hum......"
me: " -_-''''' no solution to this guy-------"
me.... " O . O''''' does this mean Miho wants a girlfriend?!?!?!? "
Miho: *shakesheadenergycally*
Jul: "of coz not!!! She's 200% straigth!"
me: "aaah..that's waht I thought....but there would be absolutelly no problem, love, if you want a girl--------"
Miho: "shakeshakesshakesshakes*
me: okie ^^' okie...understood ^^' [what I don't get is what of all this crossdressing thougt....O_o'''']
Miho: *runs away* & back with a new look....
Jul& me: *O* O , O *pphiiii* prettyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: "I thought this girl was innocent and boy-ish...what's with all that transparences?!?!?I wonder...."
Jul: "oh...transparences for a girl are veeeery fine with me! "
Jul: "and tinny skirts without undies are even better!!!! *lol* "
me: "and how about your low trousers without undies too??? "
Jul: "eeer......just beeing solidary??? ^^' "
me: " *sigh*....bisexual, pervert, without solution and exhibitionist doll boy.....
a weird crazy silent with mistress instincs doll girl.....both with recently discovered love for crossdressing and maybe sadomasochist tendencies!!!
What have I done wrong?!?! _me wonders."
Jul: *giggle* ...I'm not sadomasochist though.....
me...: aaaah....fine......I feel much better now..... ¬ , ¬' "
Miho: *shakes head*
me: no what?!??!??!
Jul: "I believe she means no to all that.......wait........"
me: "aaah I understand....."
Miho: *makes a hopeful look*
me&Jul: "YOU WANT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Miho: *giggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, nods enthusiastically and dances in joy*
me: "omg...all of this only for that?!?!"
Jul: "ppff.....we really must find out why on earth she does not speak and put a solution already!"
me: "inddeeeed!! What a waste of time! plus no I have no more battery to make the real needed shoot! > < grrr..... but I don't get why are you so disapointed! you love all this!!"
Jul: "sure...but now I need a very cold....... - _ -'''' "
me: *lol*
Miho.... ^^'
+++++later on+++++++++
Jul: "that was quite fun hum??"
Miho: nodnod
Jul: "we'll do et again!!!"_smiling down to her-----
Miho: *smiles and nod*
Jul: "but nex time......I'll be the dominatrix!!! "
Jul: *lol*'re lovely when you blush!!!
MIho: *blush even more*
Jul: "can I have my boots back now??"
Miho: *shakes head*
Jul: "swot. even if they fit you very cool...there's no diference! You're still very little than me!!!!"
Miho " ggggrrrrrrr > < *shakes fist* "
WOW!!! Long post! and two more omake.....for he's the prettiest to me!
no matter the dress, wig, rol, he's my fab narcisist, arrogant, pervert, bisexual, exhibisionist with a hint of sado....
a renacentist angel.... fallen angel, in any case ^^' No matter how ppl tells me I'm crazy for specding so much money on a doll, at my age...I couldn't care less! And I'll never regret having bought him! He's one of my treasures!!!!
and Miho as well, of coz [and my Gloomy crew!!!]!_ even if she lives in her own bubble of silence, I believe one day, we'll find out why she's that way and discover her real self.....but what if...her real self is that weird creature?!?!Or even worst?!?!? WEIRDER?!?!?!??! O_o'''' [Jul & I trembling in fear]
Thankx for reading/watching all this long crap!!! took me like an hour to complete!!!! *lol*