Nov 22, 2005 18:22
The past week has been good. I wonder why? Oh, maybe because I haven't gone to work for it! Ugh... That acknowledgment has forced me to come to a dreadful realization: I fucking go back tomorrow! The thought alone repulses me. I've never had this much hate for a job before. God, I am so unbelievably close to saying "fuck this nasally!" and quitting.. But I won't. I'll stay for ONE MORE MONTH That's all I can take. Any more and I'll be jamming groceries up customers' fudgey crevasses. One month.. That's just enough time for me to save up enough money for bartending school and still have a good amount to last me until the job placement kicks in. Fuckin yay.
Hidden Shadows was pretty ok. Pure feces at first, but it slowly transitioned to decent. That's where it peaked though. I still had a good time cuz of the people I was with. Speaking of which... Mustardy anus, I have to get going!! This will be my last night of the marijuana inhalation for a month in case the bartending job piss-tests. That and I'm not getting as high as I used to. Fortunately though, I don't think it's had any effect on my brain cells. After all, I can still spell antidisestablishmentarianism so that's a plus. Anyway bitches, farewell for now.