May 29, 2009 02:29
I don't even know who you people are anymore.
I don't know who I am to be honest.
I don't know how I can trust you.
Who are you to say how I am?
I'm just trying to live each day so that the story has a happy ending.
I told a friend the other day that I couldn't count on anything in this world except the sun rising and falling.
I still believe it.
I thought leaving this place would help me.
The only thing it did was remind me that people are the same every where you go, even if they are different.
Running doesn't solve anything but a foot race.
The future isn't some promised land that is waiting for me.
All it is is days that haven't been lived.
Days that will play out just like this one.
Disappointment never goes out of style.
This isn't a fad or a trend.
What can I do?
I can't defeat this.
This is bigger than me.
I can't fathom the consequences of giving up, so I can't.
It would just be one more burden on my heart.
As a child I always feared that my heart would just give up one day and leave me to die.
That it would grow tired of the tedious pumping of life that it was designed to do.
I figure that if it hasn't given up by now, I shouldn't either.
But what does it know?
I can't believe that is conscious.
That it is privy to the knowledge I have gathered.
This disease is too strong to be that weak.
I'm just scared of needing.
It's too vulnerable.
Soldiers don't give in to such things.
One more for the Marine Corps.
That's what I was told.
I can't be like the others.
One more will make the difference.