Jan 12, 2004 08:09
SO i was on the johnnydeppfanpage.com chat room and there are only 4 other people on at that time. With names like Mrs.Depp and such i get the feeling its mostley females. So we are talking for awhile then i ask ages i get a very surprizing "allmost 14" "14" "allmost 15" "allmost 16" at this point i laugh and talk somemore *teling them i am 16* turns out they are from ireland and the uk all very charming and there typing was just great me this me that. As i entered they where very curios as to if i was a male i told them yes they told me that the last guy they talked to in this room was gay i said "johnny is hot. weater your gay or not makes no diffrence" i got alot of "good points" i also have alot of scratches that i know nothing about if you do please tell me thanks.