Jan 11, 2004 02:06
I know a lot of you are wondering what the hell happened yesterday, but its a tad complicated. You see, the center Storm had been working at lied to her, all the mutants she had been recruiting to help were being used as experiments by the workers of the center. She tried her best to do things the legal way, but things did not go her way. Storm saw the only route to remove the center would be to destroy it. I originally intended to stop her, or at least get her to calm down, but I found out what the center had done. I couldn't stand against storm, she needed help in what she had to do. We were able to save most of the mutants in the center, althought I'm afraid some were dead when I found them. Storm reached a breaking point, but I couldn't let her just do whatever she wanted, I had to hold her off till I knew she could destroy the place because Illyana was in the center helping the mutants. Things got out of hand from there. The cops interfered, hurting storm and then ultimately confusing her after hitting her with a tazer. She was so confused she forgot I was there to help, which is why I was hit with a bolt of lightening. I know this doesn't exuse anything, but this is what I know to have happened. Storm will be able to fill in any gaps when she wakes up.
Now on to tonight, I am up now and I can not sit in medlab and know that the center still stands. Its existence is a splinter in my brain that I can not let stay there. I am going to destroy it, so don't be surprised to hear of an arsonist or some freak accident at the center's remains.