Oct 05, 2016 10:50
So, I went to the local Planned Parenthood clinic today for the fist time. I needed a new birth control prescription and my usual dr can't fit me in until March. (Not sure what's up with that, but ok.)
Everything in the clinic was super easy. My blood pressure is disturbingly high, which is a concern, but that might have something to do with the protesters outside. Now, the presence of protesters wasn't a surprise. They were not out in large numbers because I was in the day's first appointment block and they were actually very polite.
I really didn't think I'd have an issue because I'm getting birth control and I'm totally comfortable with all of that. Yeah, I wasn't comfortable.
A very nice looking lady in her late 50's or early 60's was waiting on the sidewalk outside my car when I got out and immediately started offering me help. My ingrained whatever kicked in and I didn't want to be rude, so I said "I'm fine, thank you." And she kept pressing and I kept reiterating that I was picking up birth control and I was fine.
I don't know why I was talking to her. I don't know why she upset me. But I she did.
And then they waved when I left. It was really weird. And really, as protesters go, this was the absolute best circumstance I've ever heard of. There was no anger, no yelling, no threats, nothing at all loud or ugly. But it still shook me.