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Feb 24, 2011 00:31

Sweet, I have now watched all the movies nominated for Best Picture.

**Please keep in mind that I will probably like/love 99% of movies I see, and that I'm currently excited for Battle LA to come out**

127 Hours: I love James Franco and all -- and Dave Franco as well, do yourself a favor and watch these videos of them interviewing each other -- but I was like, 90 minutes of James Franco and only James Franco? :\\\\\\ But man, this was FUCKING INTENSE AS ALL HELL. Loved it. Bonus Lizzy Caplan as well.

Black Swan: Any kind of thriller = me shitting enough bricks to build a row home. I think I watched half of this with my eyes closed. Once again, intense as all hell. Good movie, would never watch it again (which is how I feel about pretty much all of Darren Aronofsky's movies).

The Fighter: I love me some feel-good triumphant sports movies. I will be forever bummed that that movement hit its peak in the '90s with the Mighty Ducks trilogy. Anyway, Marky Mark always plays the dude who looks really hood but is actually very sensitive and wants to please everybody and is really a nice guy with that nice high-pitched voice he has. I'm a sucker for this. Loved the movie, loved Bale, loved Melissa Leo.

The King's Speech: Liked it. Could immediately tell the OST was by Alexandre Desplat. Kinda seems Oscar bait-y, but the cast just makes it so gooooood.

Winter's Bone: Happily surprised that John Hawkes got nominated for supporting actor. Quiet, kinda slow -- Jennifer Lawrence wasn't that great to me, except for the latter quarter of the movie. Kinda meh overall.

The Kids Are All Right: Meh-ish. Will forever love Julianne Moore and Annette Bening, but meh. Also, I always forget how much I like Mark Ruffalo until I see him in something (same with Adrien Brody, so The Brothers Bloom = DREAM COME TRUE). The movie left off on a really random scene with his character though.

Inception: *OMINOUS HORNS*

The Social Network: Loved it. Andrew Garfield is forever my Bambi husband. Jesse Eisenberg is forever my socially awkward cat lover. The kid from Jurassic Park is in it. It's about FRIENDSHIPS and BETRAYAL and thinking you know everything when you really DON'T.

Toy Story 3: Cried. The row of grown-ass dudes in front of me cried. Still think about that close-up on Woody's face at the end and cry. I think I loved it more for nostalgic reasons than anything else, though.

True Grit: Loved the chickadee Hailee Steinfeld. Jeff Bridges was badass as usual. Didn't even recognize Matt Damon until about halfway through the goddamn movie. Anyway, highly enjoyable. The ending felt a little tacked on, though I understand that it's how the book ends? Idk.
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