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popcorn_orgasms November 23 2010, 04:43:48 UTC

“What the hell,” Arthur gritted out. It took him a minute to place the name. Dominic Cobb.

Cobb finally looked up. His eyes were red, and he was sitting in the chair like he’d never get up. “I need you to come with me,” he said scratchily.

Arthur clicked the safety off. Too soft of a move, it turned out, because Cobb’s response was to shoot him in the shin.

--I love the backstory. Arthur not knowing Cobb well--just another figure he's interacted with. And Cobb, being broken, crazed, desperate. Has he been mounting this plan for 3 years? Keeping Arthur as he tries different avenues to get home or is just completely unhinged and mounting desperate mission after desperate mission. I like at the end that it's clear that Arthur's trying not to kill Cobb but use alternatives. Makes me wonder about the kind of man Arthur is and the role he'd choose for himself. Also makes me wonder about the kind of man Cobb is--does he have plans in place should Arthur/Eames attempt to kill him. Besides Mal's dad, who else does Cobb have in his corner.

--There's so much I want to know. What's Ariadne's connection to Eames? Is Yusuf still a chemist? How much do they make up, how much do they pull from real life?

Three years ago, Mal had died and Arthur had disappeared for a little over a month. Nobody gave it second thought or examined it closely. The only exception was, once again, Eames.

--I mean, fuck. I just shiver all over. This is every documentary on murder and disappearing girls and serial killers ever made. How someone just disappears without creating a ripple--one at a time until people notice. Its's so chilling. How quickly and smoothly someone can pluck you out of your life. Of course, I love that Eames notices. And that he uses the trick on the back of the ticket.

The trip will take him eight to ten minutes there and back; lines aren’t that long during midday, so add in maybe another one or two minutes. Another minute for putting in cream and sugar. Which means that Dom will start pacing around after fifteen minutes, and he’ll probably head out to look for Arthur after twenty.

--It's insane that his life is this timed. And it fits in with an image of a point-man and it fits in smoothly with our idea of canon-Arthur. His life is so caged, even if his cage has expanded. Damn, normally fics imply that the cage is his emotion, or history, or personal angst but in this cage it's external and it works so well. The audience is still pushing for that cathartic moment when he breaks free.

He tosses the extra cup into the trash, right by one of the outside tables.

Eames doesn’t look up.

--I like how this moment is slipped in. It means so much more when you've gotten to the end.

Cobb turns around. “That was fast,” he remarks.

“Not really.” Arthur shrugs. He holds up the carrier.

--He's really playing the game. Arthur's so resigned to it in a way. Resigned is the wrong word. He knows Cobb so well, knows that 20 is his limit and knows where his every action plays into the scale of Cobb's reaction. And Cobb is so crazy--how can he be so casual.


Love it.


pyrimidine November 23 2010, 07:11:33 UTC
AHHH WHAT. Thanks so much!! What a lovely detailed comment :D :D Unfortunately there probably won't be any more, because I think the only option at this point is to delve into like, this 80k word opus which is way beyond my reach. Sigh, sigh.

For what it's worth, I was thinking that Ariadne and Yusuf -- along with Eames -- are acting as Arthur's rescue team. They know the endgame, which is to incept Cobb but also to free Arthur.


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