HOLY CRAP I start an entry and then the Engineer update decides to make everyone go mental
...No, I wasn't up at 4am trying to get a Golden Wrench, why do you ask
oh god oh god oh god
I visited Kathy's house the other day so we could do virtually nothing, AT THE SAME TIME. We went to a garden centre and had hayfever. And then made a couple on Sims 3.
I HAVE A FORRETRESS. Not like I ever paid much attention to these guys because they aren't CUTE AT ALL. Mine was bred for offense moves SCREW THE TANK STATS, I HAVE TMs. He's Quirky and Mischievous, and his Special Attack is still kinda low but maybe that's base stats. Who really cares about IVs on a Forretress anyway.
Also Meganium. I DON'T LIKE THIS PICTURE I need to try harder. She's also Quirky and Mischievous and I bred her to have Ancientpower to take advantage of that. I remember just trying to get a nature-neutral female Chikorita by chance and nearly despairing but she popped up anyway! Gonna give her Energy Ball whenever I come across it for maximum FLOWER DINOSAUR DEATH.