I burned the side of my hand on my hair straighteners. 8( They don't even come with instructions!
This week my Poetry tutor was away to have his baby, my Fiction class covered daisy-chains (2 hours which could have replaced by the explanation, "Write in the style of Love Actually" and been just as informative), and I'm not sure about the Friday class, I was too asleep and listening to other people talk about how asleep they were. How can one person be so boring? Yes, I actually know what 'editing' means, I don't need a seminar to show me to not be scared to critique someone else's work!
And also, no, my high school education was not substandard. Unlike some people in this class who haven't heard of the difference between 'there', 'their' and 'they're' or that a comma goes inside the speech quotes, I know what I'm doing. Don't tell me I have gaps in my understanding of grammar just because you don't think collective nouns can be plural in some contexts.
After that ordeal a few weeks ago I kind of never want to see another gnome again. Thing is, now I'm aware of it, they're everywhere.
Even at bus shelters. Fffff.
found this thing down the end of my road. That's exactly how I found it. I think it was meant to be a social commentary about childhood dying young.
And another one I just found funny.
Way to go urban emo culture.