Oh man... STUFF.
I was in the audience for Harry Hill's TV Burp again on Thursday. Then I couldn't be bothered to post about it, but it was pretty fun. Although tiring. And laughing for an hour while being recorded gets draining. So if anyone watched it when it aired on Saturday, I was in the audience! My favourite was the guy forming tiny cars with his mouth. They also did a GREAT commentary sequence and running gag on that dumb Fat Families program which sadly got cut, I thought it was hilarious. The intro sequence is all "THESE CHAVS ARE FAT" with raining chps and sausages lulwot
Oh yeah, is anyone else watching the final season of Lost? HAHA IT'S SUCH A CLUSTERFUCK. They travel in time and oh yeah now there's TWO totally separate timelines, one where the island NEVER HAPPENED and their lives were different, and oh hey Juliet survived the bomb no wait they spent time rescuing her instead of helping Sayeed and then she died anyway, after 15 minutes of "SAWYER SAWYER OMGOMG BANTER... wait I have to tell you something importan-- *ded*", it really did happen like that, but I'm glad I'll never had to see her awful fish-pout face any more.
It's called Lost because that's what happens to you if you try and actually follow what the heck is going the fuck on.
The Freeman family is poor. They all have entry level jobs and a small wooden cabin to live in. Gordon comes home with his first day's pay, the only money they have, and immediately wants to donate it to charity. I just had to let him. Thanks a lot Gordon.
Being at the top of her career in SCIENCE!, Tech gets a lab coat, a mad hairdo and a radar gun...
Which she uses on th-- get out of the way Spy
Which she uses on the microwave of all things, and gives it mysterious beneficial properties.
I gathered everybody up at the park and immediately Scout gets booed.
This gazebo seemed like the best place for a wedding. Only it's missing any sort of actual lighting underneath so these pictures are slightly dark, thanks a lot EA.
EVIL TWIN WEDDING CRASHER... man the whole TF2 clones thing could make this an epic soap opera if I could be bothered.
..adafhsffbffnfnahhaaahha oh god Caps
Ring goes on, d'aww.
They even have confetti to throw.
Suddenly the booing starts up again. Wow, I only invited Scout's friends, and even they don't like him.
Caps and John Freeman, I totally ship this.
"i luv yew"
God... DAMMIT Scout I looked away for ONE SECOND jeez WHAT
"Did you see that bowl Scout can't get off his hand...?"
I went looking for Heavy and found him here, standing mildly confused in a crowd of protestors. Uh... marriage protestors? Jewellery? Maybe they hate Scout getting htiched more than I thought.
Following the mirror-lives thing I get RED Scout married too.
They just did it privately in a park, d'aw.
Repo Man came to the Freemans' and GAVE THEM EVILS
Everyone FREAKED OUT about losing their lamp.
John Freeman just waiting patiently to get to the bookcase...
He JUST wants to get to the bookcase
I don't know if Scout's showing off his wedding ring or threatening a backhand slap, but I like to think he's killing two birds with one stone.