Home from Christmas

Dec 31, 2009 04:03

Christmas always happens elsewhere. I came back today, wow, am I glad it's over.

My grandparents still give me stocking stuffers from Santa for Christmas morning. We're one of those posh families that don't open the real things from the family until teatime. The "stocking" (which this year was just a bag) isn't that great except for humorous reasons. I got fruit, cheap jewellery, a cheque, a tinsel headband and, something I honestly didn't expect, a calendar with paintings, painted by people who don't have hands. Simultaneously the funniest and most depressing Christmas gift I've ever had. I also got Creature Tech from Tora. :3

As for actual presents -
Grandparents gave me a digital picture frame (cooool)
Uncle gave me a blouse I'm going to try and ignite somehow
Dad got me a PC case cooling fan
Mum gave me the new earphones I bought for her to give to me
Kathy paid for some convertible fingerless glovemittens
And my sister put some money in with a new iPod Nano case.

So yeeahh, that was pretty good.
To pass the time I started up Pokemon Crystal out of nowhere. Continued on a save from yeeears ago and beat the E4 before I came home. My thumbs hurt a bit because my GameBoy Advance's buttons are so worn, but now I'm primed for maximum nostalgia value in March or whenever we get HGSS.

So now I'm home I opened my new iPod and set it up. It's so tiny and aww! Got a new, smaller dock, too.
So glad I finally finished this.It's up late but whatever, it took so long.

Oh and also I just bought Left4Dead for absolutely no reason.


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